Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Live mindfully

William Michael Forbes

The range of expressions that humans can produce for themselves; from a bum on the street to the thousand pound man, to the Sages, Artists and poets, dictatorial madmen and politicians…fills my mind with sadness, wonder and joy wmf

A Well Known Fact: Without knowledge life seems like a problem, accident or a mistake…Reason is the first breath of happiness.

When you wake up in the morning…do your thoughts and feelings take you immediately to joy and the possibilities of another amazing day? Or does your mind track into familiar, redundant and painful thoughts of drudgery? Do you even know that you have a choice to think the thoughts you want? Do you even believe that you are thinking your own thoughts? Today’s blog is a chance to become a little more conscious of what you are thinking and to have the opportunity to change them as they occur…and with this in mind for two minutes of each of the next eight hours…make sure the thoughts you think are thoughts that will incline you to feel better about yourself and then allow yourself to act according to those thoughts and

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stand up and open up

William Michael Forbes


People only have a difficult time with themselves and when they cannot see these…they will blame wmf

A Well Known Fact: Emotion does not come from out there.

Today is very simple and it is called stand up. Wherever you are…for 2 minutes for each of the next seven hours…Stand up and spread your arms wide wherever you are. Notice if any part of you feels uncomfortable…does any part of you worry about what others think? Does any part of you want to stop before the two minutes is up because of those feelings? While doing this activity…try and get to a place where you feel good just being as you are, irrespective og what your mind might tell you about what others think, feel or believe. Avoid doing this in places where you will easily feel safe…do this in places where you will be able to connect to and then love any negative aspects of yourself…in other words…if you feel fearful, guilty, silly, like you “shouldn’t” be doing this…let those parts of yourself know that you really love them…even if you don’t think you believe it…

Life is about being all that you are fearlessly and sometimes even with the fear and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Loving your fear

William Michael Forbes

One of the biggest misconceptions about life is that our emotions are an effect of what is outside of us....when in fact they are always existent only within us wmf

A Well Known Fact: The world around us stimulates that which is already within us or not.

How often have you tried to overcome something you were afraid of with sheer willpower?

Whether you have fear of relationship, a fear of bugs, a fear of snakes, a fear of heights...any kind of fear...willpower can only take you so far because you are trying to force one part of yourself to submit to another and this isn’t much different than using fear as a means to acquire co-operation from doesn’t work well and it alienates others from you. Fear has historically been used by barbaric individuals to control such as superstition, religion, dictatorships, the projecting of guilt and shame and ultimately when these do not work, physical force. Today’s blog is about guiding you beyond your fear by loving it.

The process for overcoming any fear in a healthy and positive way is love. Love is the ultimate perception of good that any human individual can conceive of at whatever stage of development they exist at...therefore any internal perception of “good feeling” is a degree and expression of love for the is what I teach people to become aware of within themselves and this awareness naturally and positively inspires growth. With this idea in mind here is your activity for how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

During this day, for two minutes in each of the next seven hours, recognize fear when it is happening...notice anything that makes you anxious, nervous, uncomfortable and when you do take a deep breath and become aware of where you feel that fear in might help to close your eyes and feel the fear more internally...then as you become more aware of the fear think or say to the fear in a tone of voice that sounds like you really mean this...”I Love you...I will take care of you...” You are perfectly safe with me and then notice and feel how the feeling inside you changes. If you are dealing with a fear of heights or insects or people...close your eyes feel the feat on the inside and repeat the same statement to the fear as either a thought or feeling...” ”I Love you...I will take care of you...” it is most important that the way you present these words to yourself be in a tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it...then notice how the feeling changes and...

Have a great day!
William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 21, 2010

With no past to hold you.

William Michael Forbes

Many of our mistakes are unconsciously made and supported by the past view of ourselves...a now view of ourselves would will liberate us from our past. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Sub-atomic and quantum particles of energy respond instantly to our thoughts and ideas.

Our past is not who we is a record of what we have experienced and created. What we have created and what we create is based on what we have been told to think and believe and also a result of what we choose to think independently of what we have been taught. Operating exclusively from what you have been taught will result in a consistent resurrection of the past in your present...operating from the now, independent of past influences will result in creative results that reflect who and what you choose to think, feel and believe.

Moving ourselves out of the past and into the present of who we are as a living Soul, requires that we do two things consistently;

1. When we make choices and take action to question what, if any, influences from my past am I allowing into this process? And

2. Do I feel unique and empowered thinking and doing the way i am at this time?

This brings us to today lesson on “How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.”

For two minutes for the next seven hours, any task or job or social interaction you find yourself in today, ask yourself these questions;...Am I doing this activity in a fresh and dynamic way? Do I feel excited by what I’m doing? Is there another way I can do what I’m doing and feel even better about it?

Notice how your body and mind responds as you ask those questions...allow yourself to change what you are doing based on your responses and observe how the world around you responds as you do...are you afraid or excited? Try to respond from your present and not your past and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Goals help make you whole.

William Michael Forbes

Without the concept of goals you have nowhere to go. wmf

A Well Known Fact: The body will react to the imagined as if it is real...because in reality all that is real was once imagined.

Even when we have an intuition to say, do, go or be...the intuition is a goal that universal intelligence gives to us either because we are ready to receive it or we have asked universal energy for something. When we set goals we are also placing and order both to our subconscious mind and to Universal energy through our Soul. Our mind cannot ask for anything new as the mind is only a storage container for our past...ONLY YOU, AS THE SOUL, can ask for something new and when you ask for something that would have real meaning and value for you, you naturally feel better at the idea of having it. This brings us to today’s lesson on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

I want you to write five goals on a piece of paper that if these were fulfilled right now, you would be happier than you have ever been. As you write down each goal spend a full minute contemplating what your life would be like when each of the goals is true. Five minutes for each of the next three hours will enable you feel and imagine each of these goals more fully as it works out that you will be spending three minutes in total on each of the five may spend more time on these goals if you can and want to...just remember to let yourself feel what you feel as you imagine your life with the goals already fulfilled and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes
Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Breathing in the Beauty as yourself.

William Michael Forbes

Whether you realize it or not...the world around you is a projection of your deepest held truths and convictions. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Thought waves leave the body faster than light and adhere to anything in resonance with them thus giving matter form.

Today’s Blog on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about knowing your beauty. This activity is gracious and simple and if you get yourself into the spirit of will go beyond being happy into bliss. Enjoy this and remember to breathe deeply and deliberately as you do the following;

Can you see beauty where you are right now? Is there something beautiful that you can put your attention on right now? Look for something that is beautiful for you to either and see, hear, smell, touch, taste and feel....put all of your attention on whatever it is that represents beauty to your senses right now...allow the feelings you have about it to be completely felt by you...allow those feelings to fill your entire body as you breathe...then allow all of your thoughts to come from this feeling and then make the following statement slowly and deliberately as you feel the feelings of beauty in your body;

“I am the beauty I see...the beauty I see is a part of me...I am beauty.”

Repeat this statement several times slowly and deliberately as feel the feelings of beauty and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A little thoughtlessness

William Michael Forbes

Now cannot be described...only is described only after the fact wmf

A Well Known Fact: A mind that is silent is more aware and without distraction.

What is silence really? How do you experience silence within yourself? How does silence affect your body? It is said that when a person truly reaches a state of meditation that their is no judgements...just being. Mediators’ that have been monitored have shown remarkable changes in the functioning of their bodies and people who have no experience meditating when introduced to this process have all experienced better health and peace of mind. And with this in mind i want to suggest that for five minutes of each of the next three hours, that you sit comfortably somewhere, breathe in deeply and slowly and relax your body and focus your mind onto seeing one or all of the following

1. A calm still lake or pond.

2. A pure white space.

3. A pure dark space.

4. Your body sleeping peacefully in bed.

Do this for at least five minutes over any three hour period and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Golden Moments

William Michael Forbes

To be in the moment is to really be alive. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Perception give matter, time and space the form that appears before our eye’s.

Being happy is a choice….having hope is a choice…experiencing the moment is a choice too. The moments of our lives are a unique as the every blade of grass…a precious as a first heartbeat of your body as mysterious as the life that animates ALL LIVING THINGS and so today’s blog on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about staying present of the moment and appreciating it as fully as you can.

Wherever you are for one minute each hour of this day, take a deep breath and feel the meaning and life in that breath as you take it…then exhale and feel the meaning of releasing your breath…then notice whatever you can see, hear, smell touch and taste around you for the rest of the minute and allow yourself to appreciate what you observe. The goal here is to become grateful for each moment and all that it contains, for at least one minute for the next fifteen hours…remember no two moments can ever be the same as all that is, is in a state of perpetual, dynamic change.


Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stop, look, listen and feel.

William Michael Forbes

Life is is everywhere around is is poetry, it is is! wmf

A Well Known Fact: To step away from what is all too familiar gives the mind and soul a fresh start.

Wherever you are...whatever you are doing, there is no substitution for you...God made only one you to share with the rest of his creations and he intended that you learn what it is to be loved and to be loving. Loving and being loved are natural states of giving and receiving without effort; our energy flows out and ebbs back into us, dancing with the light of all the life that is all around us at any given moment. In the course of learning how to give love and how to receive love, we often experience its opposite...fear, in order to make a discernment about which one is best for us to express and experience and sometimes there is a lot of confusion about what is right until the hand of experience and knowledge guides or pushes us back on a course that is compatible with who and what we are.

As we face the opposite of love we can sometimes get caught up in the belief that life is wrong, bad....a merciless punisher extolling its price from us for our sins and such a belief is exists only when we have forgotten that we have the power to choose and express and think on love and goodness...that’s right we have the experiences we do so that we may learn to CHOOSE LOVE or CHOOSE FEAR...but first we must learn to choose. Everyday...every moment of our lives we have the power to choose to live in love or live by fear and the quality of our current circumstances is a reflection of where we are in that process...each moment a chance to move closer to or further from love.

Today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is fun and simple, all it requires is that you find a place where there are trees...birds and water if possible. Find this place and for fifteen minutes listen and feel the natural world working effortlessly around you...notice clouds, sky, birds, bugs, grass, trees...anything that is natural and just listen, watch and feel how it works effortlessly around you. Breathe deeply and release tension from your body as you observe and experience. Breathe deeply and release the thoughts from your mind and just feel nature’s effortless being. Breathe deeply and sense and feel your organs in your body effortlessly doing what nature around you is also doing. Feel only...keep your mind quiet and feel the sounds, see the sights, smell the smells...nature effortlessly being and doing. Keep your attention on the feeling of what you are observing and at the end of fifteen minutes quietly say out loud...THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! and

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Launch your day well.

William Michael Forbes

A day builds from the moment we open our eyes...every thought and action either supports us or weakens us wmf

A Well Known Fact: Psychologically happiness is a combination of focus, though and action...each is a skill to be developed...the quality of which will build us up or tear us down.

Where, when and how do you begin your day? What are the first thoughts and actions you perform? Are the motions you go through consciously chosen and experienced? Or are they a rote that just keeps you going monotonously along the same path? Life is meant to be an adventure that we live experience to be savoured like a fine wine...every moment priceless and precious and unrepeatable.

Today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about starting your day out in a way that makes you feel awake, alive, alert and conscious. Before you even get out of bed spend five minutes thinking about all of your positive attributes...i.e. you’re polite, you care about people, you dress well, you are honest, dependable, reliable...focus only on your positive aspects for five minutes...take in the feelings that are generated by this focus. Then get out of bed and do the things you normally do and acknowledge the positive effects each action you do for the next ten minutes will have upon your life and how this can positively influence others. Really be conscious of the positive effects that the activities you are doing will and are having upon your life and feel the meaning and value of this recognition and....

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A good start.

William Michael Forbes

The power and influence of our prolonged attention on a single positive idea is life changing. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Whenever our attention goes onto any person, place or thing a flow of electrons between the observer and the observed is detectable.

In every moment of our lives there is a continuous flow of energy and consciousness within us and around us, this energy is in constant and perpetual movement in either a positive direction or a negative direction. Most of the time peoples’ energy flow is random, where thoughts just kind of jump around in their minds. Other times it is focused where a particular activity, like driving, requires more attention. Occasionally it is concentrated, similar to anyone playing sports, doing detailed studies and analysis or someone performing a task that requires alert attention. On rare occasions we see meditation in action, for example when a person is in the “zone” and they seem to be unstoppable and utterly successful in their actions. Reaching different stages of attention requires training, patience or an emergency…almost everyone faced with an emergency will become at least concentrated in their behaviour unless drugs or alcohol keep the soul detached from its body.

I called this Blog A good start because in order to accomplish what we must some degree of conscious awareness is required and there must be a starting point for developing this awareness naturally and easily with whatever circumstances that we find ourselves in. With today’s activity the first two minutes of each hour, regardless of where you are or what you are doing, is to be started with a clear intention of what it is that you would like to accomplish and the result that you want to have at the end of that hour. Take a few slow deep breaths and release all of the tension from your body, notice how your body feels. Take two more slow deep breaths and clear all of the thoughts from your mind, notice how your mind feels. Next bring into your awareness what it is you would like to have accomplished in the next hour and imagine it already done…hold a picture or feeling in your mind of having it already done. Notice how this makes you feel and with this picture and feeling of having it already done…begin doing what it is you’ve imagined completing…and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

That little feeling inside.

William Michael Forbes

It’s inside us all a; limitless intelligence changing matter and form from consciousness to unconsciousness…from visible to invisible…effortlessly wmf

A Well Known Fact: Thoughts create instantaneous changes in electromagnetic fields which in turn manifests change in physical matter.

Our senses give us information from the environment…sights, sounds touches, tastes, feelings and smells. This information flows into our brains where it is interpreted into the representations that we’ve had put into our minds though our upbringing. At a certain point in the development of our self awareness we begin to differentiate ourselves from this information in our minds and also learn to differentiate from our physical mechanism thus accessing another degree of consciousness that exists just slightly beyond the perception of our senses and emotions, in the realm of feeling also known as direct energy perception. Martial artists know this energy feeling…it is a substance that moves faster than time space or thought, which is why a martial artist can “sense” your moves before they actually occur as the subtle wave generated by the electrons displaced by our thoughts goes out from us even before the thought wave does. The same is true in reverse, in that we can know things before they become apparent to our senses and mental faculties.

This feeling energy is available to everyone and only consciously known by a small number of people. Those people that know this feeling are considered highly intuitive and often say and do things before they are told or know, which brings us to today’s lesson on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less spend three minutes for each of the next five hours on this activity. Consider a situation or several situations for which you are seeking solutions….or consider sensing what is through a wall or around a corner before you see or look…become aware of the feelings you have around whatever it is that you want to resolve or know…only think to put your awareness into a position of perception about the subject matter and ask yourself what it is that you feel you can do and know, then stay alert and notice if you have and urges, perceptions, senses or compulsions to say do and know anything. i.e. let’s say you decide to sense what is on the other side of a wall, imagine that you can feel what is on the other side…do you feel a person, place or thing, can you feel what it is…write down what your perceptions are on a piece of paper then go and look. If it is a solution to a problem you are seeking, bring the problem to your mind and ask yourself what feels like a solution to this…then write down whatever comes to your awareness about it and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The endless bucket list

William Michael Forbes

Without the target of a goal there is nothing for the soul. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Every living creature has a purpose without which it would not and could not exist.

I ran into a client I hadn’t seen for awhile and she excitedly told me how everything that she wanted to accomplish through my Navigating The Soul Program had occurred except one thing. I asked her to tell me what it was that she thought was holding her back; she said she didn’t know, and then I asked her the following question…

“Besides the one remaining goal, what other goals do you have?” Without missing a beat she said;

“Just the one…I have everything else that I want.” I smiled knowing that she would not achieve her “last goal” I told her that she would be unlikely to achieve her last goal because the nature and function of the human soul is such that it is purpose driven…without purpose…we have no reason d’ĂȘtre…achieved goals are the resting point in the purpose of living, being and doing…so long as we have goals, our soul has a purpose. She asked me;

“What should I do?” I smiled at her quick reply and said…write down another fifty goals …add more to the list later and as you like, whenever an existing goal is completed, cross it of the list and add least one new one whenever you can, which brings us to today’s activity on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

For two minutes of each of the next seven hours, write down some goals you’d like to achieve and consider how you would feel if each goal was already accomplished…notice how the idea of the goals being already accomplished makes you feel and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Just love…only love

William Michael Forbes

When you find yourself in fear, remember to focus on love. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Love and fear are different degrees of energy.

As we grow and our lives change so to does our perception of who we think we are. If we become too attached to who we think we are, then the changes that we experience may be perceived as a threat to that which is already established as the self. However if change is perceived as the primary process in the development of the self, the change will be embraced as the natural development of the self without a final result.

Resisting change will cause fear…embracing change will lift the soul and develop joy as a conscious expression of the self. For three minutes for the next five hours notice if you are resisting changes or embracing them and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stepping forward

William Michael Forbes

What is sometimes needed is a good change. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Nothing else here but changes.

Take a look at your life right now…the people, the events the circumstance that you find yourself in…are they empowering, inspiring and uplifting you? Are you involved in a project and find yourself stuck somewhere in the middle? Have you completed a project and excited about starting the next one? Today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about next steps. When we complete a project or job we feel good…when we leave things unfinished we feel it. A variety of ways such as, anxiety, irritation, nervousness, frustration even anger, if we feel or experience or efforts as fruitless or incomplete. Human nature thrives on completion…on the growth that comes through the experience gained through new and exciting challenges…our Soul needs to change in order for our minds and body to evolve…if change and growth are neglected and thwarted…the human Soul can go into unhappiness. The primary roadblock to many changes is fear…fear is the single biggest resisting element to changes in our mind, bodies and developing healthy self expression.

Today’s activity is simple I’m going to suggest that you take five minutes right now, and write a short list of some activities, chores or projects that you are still left incomplete. Then for two minutes in each of the next five hours pick something on the list that you can put some effort towards doing…and do as much of it as you can for those two minutes…afterwards if you want to add more time to complete the activity you started…notice how you feel and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What the truth is.

William Michael Forbes

If you are living “the truth” you will be happy. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Uncontrolled happiness is called manic, uncontrolled sadness, depression. The imbalance is caused by not knowing how to direct our energy where it will be most effective at producing what we want consistently.

A few good friends are a greater blessing than many acquaintances…

I’ve been very challenged emotionally lately, trying to deal with a situation that is outside my normal scope of experience. I’m usually the guy with “the answer”, and in my present situation…I haven’t been able to find the proper answer and it has led me to some very dark and scary places in my mind. I’ve felt like a wet shirt inside a washing machine, being churned mercilessly through the wash cycle.

Yesterday I had a good friend call me when I had reached the lowest point in my mind that I’ve been in in over thirty years. He listened to me talk about what I was thinking and feeling and then asked me a simple question, which will lead us into today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less. He asked me this question;

“What would you say describes the worst part about how you feel?” I thought about it for a moment then said;
“I feel like I’m completely worthless and helpless to do anything.” His first response to my statement was;

“William, it’s not true.”

I paused as I felt my mind take in the meaning of those words…’it’s not true that I’m worthless’ I felt myself beginning to laugh at his reply…then he said;

“If you feel bad it is a lie…if you feel good it is the truth.”

I repeated the statement to myself…and suddenly we both found ourselves laughing for the next twenty-five minutes, during which I’d occasionally stop and see if I still felt “bad” and when I felt or noticed bad…I realized it wasn’t true and we’d laugh for another while. I’ve been chuckling every five minutes since. Which brings us to today’s activity on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less. For one minute each waking hour today, notice any negative feelings that you have inside and make this statement

“If I feel bad, it’s a lie.”

And also during each minute notice any positive feelings that you have and make the statement;

“If I feel good it is the truth.” Notice what you feel before, during and after each statement…and….

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tickled Yellow

William Michael Forbes

Laughter and happiness are synonymous. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Laughter is good no matter who is doing it.

I had a client who was very unhappy and angry. A few events had triggered the sadness and foreboding and they called me and asked what I thought they could do to end their funk. What popped into my head was a big yellow happy face and I knew that this is what they had to focus on to shift their state. Our imagination can stimulate an unlimited number of responses in our body and environment and it is what you are going to experience today in a good, fun and easy way by doing the following activity;

For two minutes over the next seven hours, first make your body comfortable by breathing deeply a few times and releasing all the tension from your body as you exhale and then imagine each cell in your body is a happy face, giggling and jiggling with joy for the remainder of the two minutes, while noticing how you feel afterwards from before and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.


William Michael Forbes

Return good. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Do unto others and it will be done onto you.

We cannot think a thought without it affecting us…even our actions, which originate from within us have an effect upon us and those with whom we are connected. If people truly understood this fact…they would weigh carefully all of their action, thoughts, words and deeds before engaging in them. Today’s blog is about correcting errors we recognize that we’ve made and making amends…it is also the eighth steps in the twelve step program…to make a list of those we harmed and to make amends to them all.

So pull out a pen and paper…and for the next three minutes, write down the names of people you believe you’ve harmed. Then for one minute during the next twelve hours, hold each person in your mind and imagine making amends to them right now…you may, if you feel so inclined…physically communicate with those on your list in person and do it directly also, if this is appropriate to each situation and

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes