Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From I can’t to I can.

William Michael Forbes

The only thing that separates can’t from can is a little t. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Life is only an appearance of events and circumstances that were imagined before they happened.

When I was in grade school a mantra that many of the teachers would have us say went like this; “Never say; I can’t” always say, “I’ll try.” In the nineteen eighty episode of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, the character Yoda says: “No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.”

I’ll “try” implies that there is a chance of not succeeding...whereas with DO or DO NOT...there is a clearly a distinction in that you have already decided, one way or another, to succeed or fail. Either success or failure requires a commitment and the commitment to either is equal in both its strength and intensity...there is no more or less effort required for either a successful outcome or a failure...although the effects of one may be experienced as drastically different.

Today’s how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is going to be in two parts...part one is going to be called “I Can’t” and will require that you keep a pen a pad handy, because you are going to write down as many of the I can’t moment as you can catch yourself thinking today. These will become a template for tomorrow’s blog which will give you an opportunity to move from I can’t to I can in a very conscious way. It doesn’t matter where or who you got I can’t only matter that you identify what your I cant’s are in order to let them go. I cant’s can happen quickly or slowly and as long as you can catch can let them go just as easily with actions and words that contradict your I cant’s. But for today all you need to do is recognize and write down whatever it is you think or believe it is you think you can’t do.

The benefit to getting as many I cant’s down as possible is that you will have half of the solution to overcoming them in your hand and available to your conscious mind. Take about a minute every hour to relax your body, relax your mind and then examine the I cant’s you’ve written down...and ask yourself this question for each I can’t;

“If I didn’t have this belief how would it make my life better?” then write down at least one answer. Towards the end of the day you may wish to ask this question for every I can’t you’ve written and put an answer by each one. This will prepare your conscious and sub-conscious mind for tomorrow’s blog as well as get your attention shifting towards I CAN and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Action, action!!

William Michael Forbes

Where words traverse time, action can accomplish much more . wmf

A Well Known Fact: You cannot view the world standing still...unless you have mastered the art of projecting your soul out of your body...still, what would actually get done that way?

The fulfillment of our dreams and goals require four specific things to occur;

1. An imagined outcome,

2. Clear objectives and goals to be reached towards the outcome.

3. A plan that details the resources required and the way in which those resources are to be implemented.


Every idea, hope or dream that has ever been fulfilled has had all of the above elements in varying degrees in order to produce the results that any individual or group has ever striven for.

An imagined outcome is the result seen before anything has occurred and every inventive person whether the invention was mechanical or social, had an idea before they even started. All human creations go through the above four steps and ACTION is the most important step and brings the efforts of the other three together into a unified outcome. Not every idea conceived of succeeded, its time may have passed or the idea simply could not work under current physical circumstance like DaVinci’s helicopter...too early in time to make it work. So there are a few considerations, rules if you like, on the path to creating a new life and circumstances. Make sure the idea you choose is one you want to experience. Make sure that it will be good for your mind your body. Lay out a plan for achieving it...and go for it!

This is what today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about and it will take five minutes every hour over the next three hour, to get the ball rolling Wherever you are, think about something you’d like to do or acquire and already imagine that you already have it...notice how you feel about the idea that you already have it. Consider the practical steps you’d need to take to fulfill your idea, from where you are at this moment. Write down a short plan to get it and picture yourself going through all of the steps, until you see the result again. What would you need to complete your idea? Money? Time? People? Equipment? Now the most important step...take something, even if it is a very small action...action is imperative; make a phone call and get the information you need. Make a space somewhere to receive whatever it is you want...just take some type of action no matter how small it may be at this time. Notice how you are feeling as you go through the process and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Climb the mountain.

William Michael Forbes

What can sometimes appear daunting and insurmountable can have a simple solution. wmf

A Well Known Fact: When a new state of mind is reached changes will inevitable occur in vista called your life.

Okay, you’ve been living in a certain mindset for days, months and even years. The pattern is established and nothing seems to be feels like nothing is ever going to change...what can you do? Where do you start?

Today in How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less I will give a simple and easy starting point for the gentle disassembly of the (or those) old pattern, process, behaviour and habit. In case you’re wondering, I started this blog because after years of unconscious suffering I finally started realizing that happiness, peace of mind, excitement and joy could actually be fun and easier for other’s achieve for than it was for me...if I just simplified what I had learned on my own.

Here is the most important lesson I’ve learned after all my years of self abuse and neglect;


Once you know how to be happy and you know how to do it consistently, you can enjoy what life has to offer. You can go back through the last couple of months of blogs and have fun growing from those....they all point you in the direction of Happy.

The key starting point of happy is BREATHING...if you are can learn to be happy...if you are not breathing, you are likely not in a living body. Breathing feels good and every molecule of your body loves it! If you consciously take one minute for every waking hour and just feel the sensation of breathing in and will be making your body happier. Another stop along the way of happy, is learning to put your mind and your attention only on good thoughts, memories and ideas, while you are breathing for that minute every waking hour. One additional ideas on the path of How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less it to focus on activities, events, and images of what you really would like to be experiencing every day, also during that minute of breathing; Breathing, good thoughts and good images. And this is your activity today...for one minute every hour...stop what you are doing and feel your breathing for about a minute...feel the life flowing into and out of your body...realize that your lungs are doing what you ask them to for that minute...and during that minute of breathing think good thoughts like...I love breathing, I can be happier, I can be loving, I can be lovable....and hold pictures in your mind of your face smiling, of being in places you’d love to be, doing things you’d love to do and of having the things you want to have....for one minute every waking hour today do this for yourself and notice how you feel during and afterwards If you do this one activity every waking hour for at least a week, you will inevitably feel better and better every day and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mini meditations.

William Michael Forbes

A moment of checking in with ourselves can make a world of difference. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Our attention affects the structure and chemistry of our bodies and the clarity of our minds..

Maybe you’ve had to rush; maybe you’re feeling irritated, annoyed or tired. Perhaps your body is feeling stressed and you haven’t been getting enough sleep. Today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is called Mini Meditation because meditation isn’t necessarily sitting for a prolonged period of time in a pretzel-like posture or chanting sonorously until bliss is reached...though these can be done to achieve an inner state of joy and union with our source. Mini Meditations are exactly that short concentrated periods of giving attention to a desired outcome or state, over one to five minute periods several times a day. Mini meditation are simple, fast, easy, reduce tension and increase focus and performance.

Regardless of where you are, as long as you are not operating any heavy machinery, equipment or motorized vehicles, then you can safely and easily do this. Find a comfortable seat somewhere and relax your body by taking a few slow deep breaths. With each exhale, let the muscles in your body relax and allow the thoughts in your mind go silent...then consider what you want to alter or change at this time and begin thinking and imagining the alteration you’d like i.e. If I’m tired I’m going to put my attention the idea that my body is being refreshed, reenergized, rejuvenated and revitalized and I’ll say those words with power and authority. If I want to have a clearer focus I might say, “my mind is becoming clearer, sharper and more perceptive with each passing moment.” You can choose any idea or thought that you want to begin experiencing, the key points are this...spend only one to five minutes each time you choose to do this, get relaxed, quiet your mind, think upon your idea (s) with authority and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to hold love.

William Michael Forbes

Love, like heat to an ice cube, will dissolve negative emotions and energy. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

In the process of induction, energy in the form of thought and emotion, like electricity, can pass through different material mediums and be changed to produce specific results that will match the desired outcomes of the idea behind it’s transmission.

Love is a beautiful, positive feeling...and it has a range that is quite broad depending on your life experience. Some years I ran a support group for recovering alcoholics and people with drug addictions, called the Lighthouse West of Oshawa, Ontario. One evening I suggested a guided meditation and had everyone get as comfortable as they could and then had everyone imagine they were diving safely to the bottom of a deep blue ocean. As people reached the bottom I suggested that they would find a treasure chest which would contain a symbol, a picture, a colour or an object that would exactly represent love as they now understood it to be in their lives. When I had everyone return to being present in the room, I had each member of the group describe what they saw. There was a range of representations of love from each person ranging in size from a pea, to a vast expansive rainbow world of vibrant colors and other variations that represented love for each person in the group. Each person’s experience was love as they understood it to be at that time in their lives.

Having found a representation of love within themselves I naturally asked how that representation made them feel and without exception each person felt positive and good as they reviewed their symbolic image of love. From this I suggested that they feel the feeling in their body and imagine they could breathe into that feeling and fill their bodie completely with it. The results were wonderful as some people wept with joy, while others smiled broadly and others just had a look of peace and contentment fill their expressions. Then I suggested that for a week, each person recall this feeling before going to bed, and fill their bodies with it again and imagine that feeling going also out to the people that were currently in their lives. The following week everyone reported various positive results in their daily lives, one person got a promotion, another’s father they were alienated from called them, another found that people remarked on how well they looked and this brings us to today’s How to be Happy in fifteen minutes or less. This will take up to five minutes for any three hours you choose to do this during today. Get your body relaxed by breathing several times deeply and releasing tension from your body...then take two more breaths and let all the thoughts in your mind relax for this time. Then recall to your awareness what you remember or recognize Love to be as a feeling and notice where it is first in your body and feel it for fifteen seconds and then breathe that feeling into every cell, muscle, nerve, organ, gland and bone of your body and feel that for fifteen seconds. Now with this feeling in your awareness and body, imagine this feeling reaching out from you and physically touching anyone you’d like to share the feeling with for a full thirty seconds or until the full five minutes has passed.

Without telling anyone what you did, just notice any changes over the next three days, if you want you can do this activity at least once per day before going to bed to see what else might occur and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Transforming negative emotions.

William Michael Forbes

Unchecked anger has destroyed nations. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Anger in nature is used to establish healthy social order when used in short the human realm anger is an emotion to be outgrown like a cocoon.

Okay, you’ve slept in by fourteen minutes and you open your eyes to this fact and a part of your mind says things you wouldn’t utter to your child, your mother or your grandmother. Never mind that thought as you leap out of bed stubbing your toe on that darn night-table that shouldn’t be where you put it....and you keep going right into a quick shower forgetting to wash the soap from certain places, jump back in the shower rinse those places...semi-dry, dress and fly out the door. Meanwhile in the back of your mind a little voice has been getting slowly louder and it comes into your conscious mind with one sentence...

”Oh no, I’m going to be late!” That sentence gets a moment of your attention as you fly out the door and remember your laptop as you run back into the house to retrieve it. In less than ninety seconds you are in your car and pull onto the road...a right and a left and...a line-up of cars as construction crews have just arrived to begin a road repair...that voice in your head has exited your mouth and a part of you goes;

“Who the hell was that?”and although you know it’s you in temporary begin to search for ways around the traffic...because you’re going to be late...unless...

We’ve all been through this process often making ourselves late by trying so hard to avoid it....or we create a conflict with another, trying to avoid the conflict...all the while the focus is on the problem and not the solution and so our energy is being directed to produce results that we don’t want...and this process is automatic unless we choose to interrupt the pattern of thought and emotion, which is what today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about.

Okay so you now realize that you are in the throes of anger and you want to stop it...with today’s activity I won’t have you stop it as this only creates repression, I want you to transform it. As I’ve said before emotion is your personal energy in motion. It can be set into motion by ourselves, others or events that happen in the environment and once set in motion it will govern our behaviour in precise accord with the nature and quality of the emotion that is active in our mind at any given time. Once an emotion is in motion, it cannot be stopped, it can be suppressed, repressed and changed from one state to another through an act of will coupled with internal interaction with the emotion, which I’ve had you do on other occasions. Today’s activity will take one or two minutes of your time each hour and can be used during moments when you detect negative emotions entering your mind and governing your behaviour.

Okay now you’ve discovered you’re feeling a negative emotion and you want to change it...the first step is already are aware of the emotion. The second step is to take a slow deep breath and exhale releasing tension from your muscles and relaxing your body...some of the tension begins to shift. Take another deep breath and let all the thoughts from your mind go for a short period, then feel the emotion that you are going change and notice where it is in your body and place your hands over that place and feel the feeling and let that feeling know that you appreciate what it is trying to do for you, in a tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it, then notice any changes in the feeling and repeat the process, if your tone of voice is sincere you will feel the emotion change immediately in response to your voice tone. Repeat the process several times for no more that two minutes and...

Have a great day!

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The power of silence.

William Michael Forbes

Silence will let you hear what is really there. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

People with minds that are less noisy are naturally calmer.

It happens to a large number of people the moment they close their eyes or try to focus on something; in the background of their mind a persistent din that has been known to make some people believe they have to take sedatives in order to sleep, keeps some people mentally unbalanced and make their inner world one of fear, nervousness and uncertainty. This background noise, as I like to call it, is a result of two conditions or a combination of one of these;

1. An underdeveloped ability to concentrate.

2. An unrecognized psychic ability to pick up and interpret the thoughts and emotions of others as if they are ones own.

Or any combination of those two conditions. In the first instance that of poorly developed concentration, the individual must simply practice concentrating on one thing thought or act to the exclusion of all other things thoughts or acts, for at least fifteen minutes per day until their ability to concentrate is an automatic behaviour, much like walking is for most people.

In the second instance, where an individual interprets the thoughts and emotions of others as their own, two things are required to ameliorate this kind of interference;

1. The ability to concentrate must be developed and...

2. The person must be taught how to establish a strong, healthy and individualized biological field i.e. The electric field around their body, that lets them feel like a separate individual, must be solid and stable.

Today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is specifically designed to begin the process of quieting your mind from both inner and outer distractions and will take up to two minutes each hour for the next eight hours. In my private coaching practice, I use a more elongated version for empowering the individual to develop their concentrative faculty fully, completely and with greater ease than can be done with’s activity will produce a similar result. Here we go...

...Make yourself comfortable wherever you are by filling your lungs completely with a slow, deep breath and as you exhale let all the muscles in your body relax and let go. Take a second slow, deep breath and release any remaining tension from your muscles then pick a single, stationary object and stare at the object and keep your attention on it for the next minute. Your mind will have thoughts about the object, this is okay, just keep all you thoughts and attention upon the object...if your mind tries to think about anything other than the object...just gently bring it back to it. At first some people feel irritated as the mind tries to wander in its normal way and yet as the mind keeps getting brought back to the object, it will begin to become calmer and quieter as you lead it to where you want it to go, because the mind feels better when it is directed by you and not allowed to run randomly around. When it comes to the second element of The power of Silence, that of picking up the thoughts and emotions of others’ as our own, the process is more involved and will be the subject of another issue of How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less. Today’s activity if carried beyond the eight hours suggested here will enable the individual to enhance their concentrative abilities and calm their mind easier, easier and easier with continued practice. Soon you will be able to silence your mind merely by directing it where you want it to go and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I can see the good.

William Michael Forbes

Choice is a muscle of the mind that gets stronger only when properly exercised. wmf

A Well Known Fact:
The health of an individual increases when they focus on the positive, even when to others an event may appear negative.

Okay...that son-of-a-gun cut me off!...but maybe they saved me from an accident or from getting a ticket. I didn’t get the must be that there is an even better opportunity for me. Oh no...I’m, going to be late! An as yet unseen opportunity may be coming.

These are some of the way I view situations that I use to get really worked into a frenzy about...I’d cuss and swear...criticize and find fault with anything, everyone and everything that didn’t fit the way I thought is should be. It took me a number of years to develop automatic habit patterns that now counter negative impulses, which are usually rooted in our instinctual, fight or flight biological mechanisms. The negative behaviours will never change themselves...and they cannot be changed so long as we try to make those changes through our identification with the body. Changes in emotional patterns that are based in our instinctual nature can only be effected through a proper use of out mental, conceptual faculty and only when the mental faculty is directed by the Soul, YOU...THE AWARENESS.

Learning to direct the actions of our body through the correct use of the mind means we must also learn to dis-identify ourselves from the content of our minds and this brings us into a position to begin learning to use FREE WILL in the true sense of the word. Free Will is a natural ability that enables us to think and reason outside of the content of the preconceived notions we’ve be given by our upbringing and it also allows us to make decisions independent of the inclinations that are hard-wired into the body, which brings us to today’s lesson on How to be Happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Today’s lesson will only take up to two minutes per hour as you will be looking for those moments and events that you find yourself reacting negatively towards. When you encounter an event that triggers upset or discomfort in you follow these few simple steps and notice how much quicker you recover from those events.

1. Take a deep breath until your lungs feel tense and a little tight...then exhale and notice the physical tension leaving your body. Take one more breath like that and notice what has happened in your mind as you exhale the second time. This releases instinctual/physical response tension from your field of perception and leaves you free to clear your mind.

2. Ask yourself the following questions about the event or circumstance.

• In what way can this be good for me?

• How could this be also good for others?

• What result would I like to get from this?

Handling some situations in this manner does two things...first it released tension from your body and reduces the likely hood of your reacting physically to the events and two, it moves you into the position of awareness by the very fact that you are asking yourself (in this case your mind) questions that will elicit supporting answers from your mind. It took me a couple of years to learn to apply this tool fairly consistently and although I still have moments when I slip a little...ninety percent of the time I enjoy whatever I’m experiencing as I am no longer subjective to automatic behaviours and reactions that I was taught growing up. I hope you find today’s activity exciting and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A little good a lot.

William Michael Forbes

Once there was a great rock beside an I am lying upon the soft sand it became. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Little consistent and persistent actions will produce long lasting changes.

If you do a little will accomplish much more than you may realize at this moment. Three and a half years ago if you told me I could write a thousand page book of inspirational poetry with explanatory footnotes, I might have scoffed at you. Yet three and a half years ago I began writing one poem per day Monday to Friday and today my total is nine-hundred and fifty three poems with footnotes, with a word total of over one-hundred and ten thousand ....all ready for publication! With this Blog I’m following the same process and will have another book ready for the market before 2010 is over.

I’ve begun to look at other ways I can apply this idea in other areas of my life...i.e. money, relationship, work, health and happiness, which brings us to today activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less. Pick an area of your life where you’d like to accomplish a measurable result and make sure that is something that you can do a bit of each day or each hour. Maybe you want to knit a sweater...then do ten stitches every day and eventually you will have your sweater. Perhaps you’d like to save a million dollars then start putting some money away. So today I want you to pick something that you would like to accomplish in your life and break it down into smaller more manageable pieces. Remember your imagination and subconscious mind is eagerly waiting for you to tell them what to do...and whatever you choose...they will. So take one minute out of every working hour today and relax your body and mind, then do one action towards what it is you want to create and continue doing small parts every day until what you want is yours and

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yes you can...

William Michael Forbes

If you have less of what you want you may be saying no too often and not even know it.wmf

A Well known fact: Most people aren’t even aware when they are stopping themselves from getting what they want...and some people think they were just lucky when they do get what they want.

There is a life that is within us all that has been the life of every living thing upon this planet for as long as life has existed. Right now it beats your heart and the heart of every living person and every other life form upon the face of this earth even as you read these words. Religion calls this life God...Science calls this life energy, new age thinkers call this life consciousness. It won’t matter what you decide to call exists and the sheer reality of its existence

Is found in the simple rhythms of our heartbeat which seems to utter the words I AM, I AM, I AM, with every single beat...or maybe it’s I DO, I Do, I Do.... or can it be “I CAN, I CAN, I CAN...just listen to yours or someone else’s heart for a few minutes and decide which one it is for you.

Science does not know what triggers the heart to beat during the development of the just starts one day and keeps going until it is done and as long as it beats on we have the freedom to do and be as we may choose or not choose to. I’m up fairly early today and I’m faced with a goal that seems very difficult to do...the write as many as twenty pages of material per day for the next thirty days. A part of me is saying...

”How can that be! You can barely write one page an hour!”

and another part of me says...

”Just write as close to twenty pages a day as you can and see how far you are in thirty days.”

One voice is the voice of voice is the voice of growth and success... every time we set a goal for ourselves...there are always these two voices tugging us into to a should I, shouldn’t I mentality...unless you have learned to only listen to the best one, which brings us to today’s lesson on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Today’s lesson will take about two minutes out of every hour for up to eight hours and is about discovering the goals you are setting for yourself and seeing if there are any changes you may want to make consciously to them. So for two minutes out of each hour, relax your body and quiet your mind with a couple of slow deep breaths and then ask yourself the following question...what is my goal at this moment and listen to what comes up from your mind...then ask these two questions...”Is this what I really want to do?” and “Is there a better way I can accomplish this?” and finally explore the answer or idea that feels right to you and...

Have a Great Day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Love the unlovable

William Michael Forbes

Those emotional aspects of yourself that you may dislike, require the power of conscious love in order to change...and you, soul, are love.wmf

A Well known fact: Like an ice cube...pain, anger, sadness, despair, loneliness, self doubt is melted in the presence of yours or someone else’s love.

Inspiration has a variety of meanings such as; The mind stimulated to creative thought or the making of art, a sudden brilliant idea, Divine guidance and influence, creativeness and it essentially boils down to the fact that humans are creator beings....we create our experience, like we create our world, like we create our thoughts, like we create our emotions. The recognition of this truth by any individual has placed within their hands the reigns of a power which fuels the actions of such a person to achieve far greater than the person that believes that their life is a product of uncontrollable forces surrounding them on all sides. To unharness ourselves from the ties of the past and the pulls of the future leaves us free in the present to think and imagine a world of our choosing. This world is partially supported and harmed by our consistent actions and whether those actions are negative or positive we can always elect to have a choice about what we will think, ergo feel, ergo do.

Today’s lesson on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is simple because it’s about facing the feelings we all love to avoid or blame others for because we haven’t learned how to deal with them ourselves and this exercise is a mirror of another blog that was posted back in January. This lesson will only take two minute out of every hour and only requires that you use those two minutes up only when annoying or bothersome feelings are triggered by your thinking and feeling or someone else’s thinking, feeling and acting. So when you find yourself tweaked with negative energy...feel the energy...notice where it is in your body and just whisper these words very sincerely, deliberately and slowly...either out loud or in the privacy of your mind;

“I’m willing to love all of you and right now I am.” Repeat as suggested for the full two minutes or any part thereof...but you must do this for at least two minutes every hour in order to feel the full effect of the change in your emotional energy and...
Have a Great Day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

In a momnets notice

William Michael Forbes

The moment is undervalued when we are remembering too much or wondering about the future.wmf

A Well known fact: In reality nothing can happen before or is the only real time event.

We were up at least 10 minutes before the alarm went off and spent a few minutes being grateful and as the alarm went off we hurried about making lunch, preparing wardrobe and ensured the animals were fed. We had to be showered dressed and be out the door by seven-thirty and once every few moments my mind would have the thought; “Hurry, Hurry, you’re going to be late.” and with that thought there would be a short burst of anxiety. I was fully aware that both the thought and the emotion were stimulated whenever I looked at the time on any of our clocks. My mind, or as some might say, my ego, was trying to go into the future and as it did that, it would also represent the memories of other times I had been behind my schedule.

Our minds and the ego both survive outside of the NOW. They exist when we allow our awareness to move out of the present into memories, emotions and the automatic implications those memories may have on the as yet un-experienced future. We left the house at exactly seven-twenty and headed out onto the Gardner Expressway towards Downtown Toronto. NJ had a seven-forty-five call time and we knew we were perfectly timed, although that little voice of the ego was still trying to assert that something was wrong. As we headed across the raised highway, The bright sun, now a huge yellow morning ball came shining warmly into the front window as we left the shadows of the tall building that was blocking it. We both went WOW and in that “WOW” we came into the bliss of the moment...the light, the warmth, the movement of the car...everything came together into a massive Gestalt that included everything within and around us and all thoughts of the future and past were encompassed in the rightness of being in the moment, which brings us to today’s lesson on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Today’s lesson is easy and fun and will take no more than a minute per hour today. I want you to take and release a deep breath and release physical tension from your body, then take another and release the thoughts from your mind and the then pick something in the environment that you like to look at, it can be a person, a place or a thing, living or inanimate. Let yourself feel the good feelings you have about what it is you’ve chosen as your subject/object, and think the following thought sincerely towards it “Thank you, thank you, thank you” and as the feelings connected to those words grow, repeat the thought again “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” now let your awareness include everything, all people and all things around you as if they are part of the original object/subject, for at least thirty seconds and....

Have a Great Day!
William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Money is soooo good!!

William Michael Forbes

Money is an acknowledgement of the non-physical having physical value.wmf

A Well known fact: In modern society as it is a good game where too few people know the rules...and too many ignore is still good for us.

Some say that money is the root of all evil, that it corrupts people from all walks of life...yet just as easily it helps life equally as much. The concept of money can be a hard one to grasp, especially if we only see the world from a purely materialistic viewpoint. Money in and of itself is neutral until it is set into motion by anyone with a particular intention(s) behind the money being employed...if the intention behind the money is purely driven by the desire to get, it often harms and diminishes life...when the intention behind money is to truly give, it often improves the quality of the lives of the people whose hands it passes through. Many people have taken money for granted and this often results in unexpected growth opportunities which may be uncomfortable. Money is intimately intertwined through our lives and throughout most cultures on the earth and like emotional energy can be used in only one of two ways...either positively or negatively...and this brings us to today’s lesson on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Today’s activity will take about 2 minutes out of the next seven hours and will require you take a deep breath and relax your body and take another deep breath and calm the thoughts in your mind...just let most of the thoughts go for these two minutes. And then I want you to think of all the good things that money has done for you i.e. purchased the clothes you are wearing, the food you eat, the place you live, places you’ve gone or are going...for just these two minutes think about and feel all the good things that money has done for you, keep all your attention only on the good that money has done for you and...

Have a Great Day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gratitude is a sturdy ladder up.

William Michael Forbes

So much to say; “thank you.” for. wmf

A Well known fact: A little jolt to the system changes everything, for worse or for better...thank goodness for free choice.

What is gratitude? What does it really meant to be grateful? Both mean to be thankful, appreciative. However there are other elements to the concept of gratitude in that it is an outflow of positive energy from one person to another person, place or thing. This giving off of positive energy effects both the giver and the receiver, much like prayer, chanting and positive thinking, the flow of this positive energy will have a healing effect on the all areas of the body, mind and soul of any individual who chooses to use this innate gift.

Endorphins which are released into the blood from the brain through the application of gratitude are well known causes to physical and emotional health...It is through the use of gratitude that we may move through some of the most difficult times in our lives with little or no negative side-effects, which brings us to today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

This is a simple and easy way to feel better and takes less than thirty seconds per hour to do. No matter what state you are in at this moment, gratitude will move you further towards take a nice deep breath and release all the tension from your muscles...allow all the muscles in your body to relax....take one more deep breath and allow all the thoughts to leave your look around at any person, place or thing that you see and simple say in a meaningful voice...I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for my children, I’m thankful for the birds, I’m thankful for the sunshine and clouds...whatever it is that your eyes can see or your ears can hear...just be thankful for at least thirty seconds. It is also important to say the name of what it is you are grateful for and to feel how your body, mind and emotions responds to this activity and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keep your mind focused and take action!

William Michael Forbes

Even in a well there is a light if you look up. wmf

A Well known fact: You know that when you’re feeling bad that the thoughts you have are negative...and when you are feeling good...the thoughts you have are positive.

How can you go from a negative state to a positive state really, really quickly? This blog on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is specifically designed to assist you in doing just that and since February of 2010 I have provided a variety of forty different ways to do so. Today I’ve awakened to a beautiful smile, some stimulating conversation, listened to the sounds of the birds returning from the south. As I’m writing this I’m keeping my body relaxed and upright, I have a slight smile on my face and today is another brand new day...I can do too can you. By anything, I mean that from where you are at this time in your life, you can go anywhere from where you are...but you have to have two things in order to do that.

The first thing you need to have is an idea about what it is you want held firmly in your conscious, time to relax, to have fun, to meet new and exciting people, to have a better job, to travel, to have new clothes etc...these are the ideas...the goals you want to achieve. The next step is, you have to be willing to take action towards the desired idea and goal that you want to experience...this is how you make what you want become a physical reality. Big steps, like quitting your job, or leaving a marriage, moving to a new city, leaving home...are only different from little gradual steps in that they will require that you have to take much more action that you might normally need to take in order to get your completed result but as long as the goal and action elements are kept in place...the results will be assured. Remember, as long as you have step one...a goal held steadily in your mind and step will take consistent action....then you are ready for today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Today’s lesson will take one to five minutes per hour depending on what it is you want in your life Choose what it is that you want to have more of in your life...or something new that you want to have in your life...your idea and spend one to three minutes focusing all of your attention on the idea and how you would feel, right now, if you had it and after you’ve done that notice if you feel better...chances are, if you’ve really done this, you are feeling better!! Now part two, your action step. Pick an action, but only an action that moves you in the direction of what it is you’ve just imagined having, this doesn’t have to be a huge only has to be a step....if you decided that you wanted to have more money...put ten cents an hour away for the day...and you’ll have $2.40 more at the end of the day! That’s a step...and you can raise that to twenty cents an hour the next day and so on. If you want to take a vacation...take a step in that direction you could look at pictures of where you want to go...that’s a a travel agency find out the cost...if you want to meet interesting people talk to someone you’ve never spoken to before...that’s a step! You may be surprised at what will begin to happen in your life if you keep taking even little steps every day....How do you feel having even thought about doing all of this? I’m willing to bet that you feel better just thinking about having what you want...and more so after taking action and of course...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Look at the beauty.

William Michael Forbes

God’s dream upon the wind is a bird in flight, the earth and stars his love and light. wmf

A Well known fact: Scientists are boggled by the mere existence of life...they often ask, as they seek to know; just where did all this wonderful stuff come from?

Okay, you’ve awakened and the first thoughts on your mind aren’t necessarily positive. You get out of bed and your mind is thinking what as you look into the bathroom mirror. You are at work or driving your car...on the subway or at a family gathering and your mind is not as positive as you’d like it to be. People and events, same stuff different day...and you want to move your mind away from that familiar track of thinking and feeling and that’s what today’s lesson on “How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less” is all about.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing this activity will need at least one minute per hour...more if you want to. Find a window or a place to sit where you can watch the natural world...tree’s, birds, water, skies, clouds, insects, grass, animals...just let yourself watch as closely and a carefully as you can...really watch and feel what you are watching...keep your mind only on what you are observing for the full minute and let the feelings of the natural world fill you. Allow yourself to feel those feelings throughout your body. You may take more time doing this if you like...just make sure you do at least a minute every hour you are awake today and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The exercise of choice.

William Michael Forbes

If you believe the thoughts in your mind you will most likely be right, though not necessarily happy. wmf

A Well known fact: A thought with little or no emotional association with it has very little is the thoughts with strong feeling attached to them that are as lethal as bullets, bombs and bar fights. In observing the physiology of patients watching a variety of images, movies and TV shows, researchers were surprised at how closely the scenes with which patients identified affected them as the characters involved. i.e. the aggression, sadness, pain produced corresponding effects in the patients.

I’ve mentioned in previous blogs that when we attach an emotion to a thought...or if a thought already has an emotion attached to it...that it will cause an effect in our lives that matches the strength and intensity of the emotion/energy attached to it, once it is amplified through attention. It is also true that when you change or alter, in any degree, the feeling attached to a thought or idea that you will produce a corresponding change in the effect of the thought or idea connected to it. How many times a day do you have thoughts with emotions attached to them? How often do you recognize when you are having them? How often do you consider the effects of certain thoughts and their emotions?

Today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about awareness and substitution and it has two parts to it. First, keep a little notepad a pen or pencil close by you throughout this day...and when you catch a negative thought in your mind...any negative thought...or find others sharing their negative thoughts write down the thought (s) if you can and make a little mark in your notepad. Whether the thought is yours or someone else’s doesn’t matter at this point as I want you to get a conscious glimpse of what is going on in your mind on a moment to moment basis that may be influencing your life adversely without your awareness. The second part of the this activity is where the happiness begins...look at the negative thought that went through your mind or that was presented to your mind by someone else and ask yourself...what would be a good, positive thought to substitute for this one? Write it down beside the one you are substituting it for and cross out the old one and notice what you feel with the new thought and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Live it up!

William Michael Forbes

What was...was...what is, is. wmf

A Well known fact: When an old pattern of behaviour ends there is a rebirth of the individual awareness which is also called Soul.

I ‘m going to take you straight into today’s lesson on “How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.” Today, once every hour for the next seven hours, I want you to consider doing some action outside of your normal routines...try a different route to work...get up earlier, laugh for no reason...draw a funny picture, call a stranger and wish them an awesome day, Smile at someone you don’t know, look into a mirror and tell the face there that it’s amazing. Use your imagination and safe, have fun and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I lead and my mind follows

William Michael Forbes

The mind has no choice but to go wherever I see. wmf

A Well known fact: Your thoughts and emotions are not who you are...they are what you have to create your experiences.

He stood in front of me and said;

“For sixteen years I’ve been trying to get people to listen to me when I tell them something and they just keep doing the same things again and again and it takes too much time!”

I was too surprised by the remark from a man that I highly respected, to react other than to say...

”I can’t participate in that idea.”

I had heard him complain periodically about people not doing things the way he said they should and historically chose to ignore the emotional content that was always attached to those comments. This time however, the comment was directed towards me and I felt the full force of the emotion attached to it trigger my fears of not being good enough. I watched as my fear arose within my mind and the past voices of friends, teachers, parents and myself attached to that fear formed in my conscious awareness. I knew they were just thoughts and ideas from my past and the work was getting done in a third less the time than normal, I knew his comments were based in his need to be in control and had nothing to do with the time the job was taking. His comments were triggered by his perception that something wasn’t right and his emotions, words and behaviour were automatically following a common problem with many people today. I told him I was leaving for the day and that I wouldn’t participate in that treatment of people anymore. As I left the shop I now had an opportunity to deal with some of the hidden fears had around not being good enough that were triggered by his outburst. As the work was progressing faster than it had before, I knew his idea about it taking too much time was based in a perception that blocked him from seeing what was actually occurring...even though physical evidence indicated otherwise.

For me this was an opportunity to transform some of the negative thoughts and emotional resources that were triggered in my subconscious mind by his outburst, thoughts like,

“I’m a failure; I’m going to get punished for doing what I thought was right (I’m Guilty), I cant do anything right (you’re no good), nobody loves me and the corresponding emotions to those thoughts were, Fear, Guilt, shame and anger. In the privacy of my car I sat and began to carefully observe the thoughts and the emotions connected to them, Knowing that emotion is just energy in motion, I began to let the fear, guilt, shame and anger know that I loved and appreciated it and observed as those feelings began to soften and transform into calm peaceful feeling, correspondingly, the thoughts in my mind began to shift towards ideas like, I’m loving and lovable, I care about people, life is good. It was a short and easy transformation of emotional energy from one state into another, which brings us to today’s lesson on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

This lesson will require that you look for opportunities where people say and do things that upset you and spend up to three minutes working with the emotions and thoughts that are stimulated by the environmental situation. First recognize the emotions that are brought to your awareness by the event and label it i.e. Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger, Sadness, then notice the thoughts in your mind at that time that correspond to those emotions....allow yourself to feel the emotions as they are...this gets you in direct touch with your energy and then, while you are in touch with those feeling talk to those feelings as if you were telling a frightened child how to feel safe and might’re perfectly safe at all times...I love you or you could say, No matter what I’ve thought, felt or believed about you, I love you and you may even make up your own constructive thoughts to communicate to your emotional energies...and remember to notice what shifts or changes for you as you do the exercise and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Out of fear and into my Soul.

William Michael Forbes

At first I thought my fear was me...then I realized it was instinct responding to a negative idea. wmf

A Well known fact: Instincts are great when you live in a jungle or in the wilderness...but in the modern world reason will transcend instinct and raise you to your soul.

I was in my car travelling at sixty miles an hour when an off white Lexus suddenly swerved in front of me at an even higher rate of speed, my body reacted by releasing the gas pedal to create an almost instant gap between us...yet the Lexus appeared to increase its speed and continued swerving past cars that were in front of me...I watched as the Lexus swung hurriedly from one lane to another into every gap that enabled it advance quickly through the traffic. In the past I would have been angry at the driver and I would have carried that anger with me into my next meeting...I would have likely complained to others about “bad drivers on the road and perpetuated my frustration way beyond the original time of the event...but no...I won’t do that to myself or others. Through a practice of staying in the moment, I’ve learned to let negatively charged events lose their charge and pass from my mind in order to stay happily in the moment and while this skill is not yet perfected, it is developed enough that I can release myself quicker from the effects of my negative responses to most every day events.

Until we can think and be aware independently of the ideas and thoughts that are stored in our minds we are subjective and reactive to them and the emotions attached to them, whether those emotions and thoughts are our own or projected towards us from others. Awareness is the key to cultivating a sense of mental and emotional freedom that exists in the moment. Awareness is the ability to be able to perceive and recognize that something IS occurring within us, around us and within us and around us simultaneously. To know that we are having a certain thought or that certain thought (s) are being stimulated by the environment...that certain emotions are being stimulated by our own thoughts or the thoughts of the beginning of learning the art of becoming an awakened Soul. An awakened Soul is an individual that has learned to consciously discern between their body, their thoughts, their emotions and the activities of the environment, while also being able to function effectively within it.

This idea brings us to today activity on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less and will require only two minutes from every hour of the next eight hours. The starting point to this activity is to first notice what you are doing, whatever it is name it i.e. I’m typing these words and aware of feeling excited, I’m calling my friend and feeling nervous, I remembering that I have a bill to pay and it makes me aware of my anxiousness about money. Just notice the thoughts and emotions that are connected to wherever you are and whatever you are doing for the first minute and for the second minute consider if there is a better thought with more positive emotions attached to it that you would like to be thinking instead, then think and feel that for the next minute and notice if how you are feeling improves and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A happy body is a healthy body.

William Michael Forbes

A body must be loved inside out, in order to maximize its expression and experience of pleasure. wmf

A Well known fact: Even the automatic functions of the body can be regulated by the conscious interaction of the individual through developed concentration.

I remember some of the hot summer days of my childhood back in Don Mills, Ontario. The Beatles, Creedance Clearwater Revival, The Three Dog Night were always playing on our portable, quartz radio. On a few of those days we’d hike through Brookbanks forest, cross under the Don Valley Parkway via a large drainage ditch, cut through another forest bordering the Donalda Golf course and find, then follow, the once swimmable Don River, to the Tarzan Swing, where we’d spend hours swinging splashing and eating wild apples off the branches of the trees. There were no thoughts of death, age or time; as long as you were not the youngest in the group you had some authority…

We addressed adults as Sir and Miss…we rarely swore and only when we were making a very serious point well out of adult earshot. Bell bottoms and Tie die made you cool and although we didn’t know why, they magically kept us away from the reach of the establishment. Peace was a word of reverence and mystical powers…a ticket to a world that would have only love as its expression between humans regardless of race, colour or creed. They were great times that brought forth great men like John F. Kennedy, Martin Luthor King and many others. I passed through that time and went through many changes until now…and while changes continue in my life to this day I remember when I first began to feel the effects of my immortal youth upon my mortal body and realized that I had to change how I was treating my body or it would cease to function within normal, healthy parameters, which brings us to today’s lesson on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

If your body isn’t being treated correctly it will let you know by mechanisms called discomfort, pain and dis-ease. Today’s foods aren’t like those natural apples I used to eat off the trees with my buds…much of the stuff that we eat today is junk that over stimulates our taste and smell receptors and tricks our body into thinking it’s getting something good…when in fact it is usually getting gobbledygook which gunks up the nerves, glands, organs and eliminative systems with stuff that the body in its natural state would avoid. So today…go buy a three pound bag of organic carrots and celery stalks, cut them into finger-sized pieces and for one minute each hour (longer if you want to) eat a carrot or celery stick and feel what your body feels when you eat it…avoid thinking about the taste…just feel how your body responds to these live foods. If you have any allergies to carrots or celery, pick one or two other organic veggies and follow the suggested idea and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes
Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It takes a choice to be happy.

William Michael Forbes

If you were already happy, what would you be doing at this moment?. wmf

A well known fact:
We live in a dynamic soup of electromagnetic waves, fields and quanta.

It takes a conscious idea then a choice to be happy because ideas give us choices which set our minds thought energy process in motion and this sets up our physical bodies up to take action too. However at each step of this four-fold process a reinforcing choice must be made in order for the choice to make it all the way into our physical worlds. Idea + Choice + thoughts + Actions = Results... and this process is repeated consciously and unconsciously throughout our lives...I recommend the conscious choosing, thinking and acting until the ideas you want to experience become habits that serve you well, which brings us to today lesson on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

How many times do you think about what you are choosing to do each day? Or do you kind of just let things happen as they do? Well today I want you to try something a little different just to see what can be different. As you go through your day take two minutes out of every hour and just notice what you are doing and ask the following two questions; what is the ideas behind what I’m doing? And is there another way I can do this that might be exciting and fun? The answers you get from the second question will pull up some ideas from your unconscious mind and then choose if you want to try the new idea and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.