Monday, February 8, 2010

You have what it takes!

William Michael Forbes

All the weight of your past, all of your concerns for the future, is governed by the power of this moment. wmf

A Well Known Fact:;
Your mind and all the thoughts and memory it contains are not who “YOU” are...they are the experiences you’ve had and one of the resources you need to create your life.

The mind works very simply, it is not as complex as we have been told it is...This morning I indulged in a single negative thought and watched as a plethora of images, thoughts and the emotions were spontaneously generated by them and emerged into my conscious awareness. For nearly an hour I watched as the automatic maelstrom grew in intensity from that one single thought. As I continued to allow the thoughts to trigger other thoughts like them, I watched as my body posture changed and modified to match the thoughts and emotions...felt the waves of negative emotions increase inside my head...felt tears eventually emerge into my eyes, all the while not judging what I observed...just watching what automatically unfolded. I watched as I felt the emotions generating behaviour which would incline me to want to call this person or that person...I perceived many of the impulses of a negative nature and then, at the end of an hour, I turned my focus back to ideas of love, success, joy and under 8 minutes, the waves of negative emotions and their related thoughts smoothed out into a familiar state of peace.

I have learned to consciously shift my awareness from one state to another and truth be told, everybody shifts or has their awareness shifted all the time, yet many of us do it unconsciously and automatically and can therefore can spend hours or even days in negative and positive emotional states that are based in randomly generated mind-stuff, triggered by environmental events and triggers. Such is not the case for the individual who can discern their awareness from the content of the thoughts and emotions within their mind. Such an individual, who can direct the activities of their own thoughts, is deliberately generating intentional emotional states that support the type of actions necessary to produce the results that help to create a lifestyle and experiences that are supportive of a good life...which brings us to today’s lesson on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less. This will take approximately five minutes an hour.

Take a minute to watch the thoughts that are currently going through your mind and write them down. Whatever thoughts are in your mind write them down...positive and negative...get as many of them as you can down on paper. At the end of the minute of writing, count out the number of negative thoughts versus positive thoughts...whatever they might be. And identify if there are more positive than negative or vice versa. Now look first at the negative thoughts and notice what emotions those thoughts cause, then look at the positive thoughts and notice the emotions they cause inside of you. And though this may seem like a silly question...which feels better to you, which feels normal to you? Which ones make you feel most comfortable? The positive or the negative emotions?

Now spend one more minute focusing only on the positive thoughts and be very aware of what begins to grow in your mind. For this minute keep your total focus on the positive thoughts and the feelings and how they grow...remember that it is your attention which is the source for change in your mind, emotions and in your have what it takes to make the changes you want. Try this activity once each hour and...

Have a great day

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

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