Friday, January 15, 2010

One tool for being happy in 15 minutwes or less

“Some of the best things in life are free and they will need some of your time.”


A 30 second stress reduction tool for most circumstances

A Well Known Fact:

If your body isn’t breathing it will die.

Have you noticed how your breathing changes when you are frustrated, afraid, and angry or stressed out? Under stress most peoples breathing usually becomes quick and shallow as muscles in the body tightened instinctually as your body gets prepared to deal with or run from the challenging or threatening situation. I used to notice that sometimes I realized I was hardly breathing at all and would often find myself taking in a deep breath to compensate and then I would exhale with a loud sigh...we’ve all done’s a bodies’ natural stress reliever.

Restrictions in your breathing will diminish your ability to make good choices and take effective action and it is essential for your body, without oxygen coming into it your body will die…and unnatural breathing due to consistent stress, over prolonged periods, will cause gradual dis-ease and decay in cells that are repeatedly deprived.

Your breathing is the most important starting point towards feeling good in 15 minutes or less, it’s easy to do and it feels good. In fact right now, take a deep breathe in and feel how your chest expands out with the filling of your lungs and when your lungs feel filled...allow your body to exhale and feel how the muscles in your chest relax immediately releasing tension. Take another deep, lung-filling breath and let the air escape once your lungs are full. Notice how your body feels more relaxed after releasing your breathe. Take another breathe in and again fill your lungs completely, notice the expansion in your chest as the lungs are filled and then let the breath escape on its own. This time notice how your chest, as well as the surrounding muscles, relax further. Take one more really deep breathe and this time pay attention to the way all your muscles relax as the body exhales...notice that a little more of your body has relaxed after each breath.

Breathing is a natural stress reliever, it is easy to do and you are probably feeling better having just done this little 90 second activity. Create the habit of breathing by doing it when you notice worry, fear and doubt and when you are faced with any stress causing situation. Do not hold your breathe and count to 10...instead consciously breathe in until your lungs are full and let your breath come out and always notice the way your body automatically relaxes and how the stress begins to diminish and you will naturally begin to feel better.

Learning to feel good can be just a few deep breaths away.


  1. love it. and it's free!!! WEEEEEEE!

    1. William Michael Forbes,NAVIGATING THE SOUL AND HOW TO KILL SUICIDE,HAS GIVEN DIVINE GUIDANCE TO THE SOUL,LINKING "MIND AND HEART TOGETHER IS GOD SENT,This has Helped Many friends of Mine....:-)Thank you William Michael Forbes.

    2. Very interesting Micheal ~ and it very true has i say happy thoughts make happy hearts ~ and practice makes perfect, and to love yourself is to never feel alone ~ thank you Micheal i really enjoyed reading this a i feel it will be a great help to every one x

    3. Thank you for your kind remarks. If you want to know more about what has changed and what is new and exciting, go to my new website at
