Monday, January 25, 2010

Do something good for your body today.

William Michael Forbes

Do something good for your body.

Your body hears everything you think and feel about it. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Emotion is the movement of energy through our minds and bodies and then outward into the world.

This thing called sleep and awake...what a miracle. We close our eyes and in an act of unfathomable faith we trust that we are going to wake up the next day and experience life again...not everyone does...and one day neither will all of us. Makes me want to dance and say...yaaay as often as I can!

Which brings me to today’s idea on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less; Do something good for your body today.

While you are enshrouded in your body it makes it’s a good idea to do good for it everyday...something that makes it feel really, really good...something quick and easy. Lets go!

Take three long slow deep breaths and feel the tension as it leaves your body as you exhale...every time we exhale our body automatically releases tension and when you are paying attention to your exhale, the release of tension is even greater with each subsequent breath you pay attention to. After the third breath...just let yourself feel the difference in your body from a few moments ago, for about ten if your body still feels a little tension, just take three more slow deep breaths and feel the difference again...(make sure you aren’t operating any machines or vehicles while doing this.)

Continue feeling the difference in your body and repeat the following thought towards your body as if you were talking to someone you love...

Thank you for being a part of my life every day....I’m so grateful for you. Repeat this thought directly into your body, saying or thinking the phrase in a tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it and pause each time you say it and allow yourself to become aware of how your body is responding to the vibration of this thought and the tone in which you present it. One to seven minutes of this activity will have your body and mind feeling relaxed and re-energized. With daily practice this is also a great tool for getting your body and mind to go to sleep or take naps faster and long as you keep your attention focused on the thought and the way it is suggested that you present it to yourself.

Have fun with this!


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