Friday, January 29, 2010

My friend, fear.

William Michael Forbes

Fear is an indicator that action is necessary and essential...whatever you can see to do, that will benefit all it now. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

On the level of body fear prepares us for physical fight or flight, on the level of mind it prepares us for correct thinking, on the level of Soul it tells us to act in love.

Fear is is energy...all emotion is your energy in motion and it naturally moves through our bodies and inclines us to specific actions in the world. The nature and quality of our actions during an experience of certain emotions can be an act of conscious will, or unconscious instinct and behaviour. Today’s tool for how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is a combination of awareness and intentional love and is similar to one from a previous day.

Our normal responses to stressful situations and emotions are often based on how we responded in the past and the results of those responses often limited also by our past. Today I want you to try something different...I want you to notice when you have a desire to avoid a certain persons or situation and look and feel the feeling you have inside you, around that the feeling by saying; I’m recognizing fear in my mind, or I’m recognizing guilt, or anxiousness. What does this feeling incline you to do? Run, hide, get angry, feel disappointment? Once recognized the energy of any emotion can be utilized as a creative force in or lives, instead of as the habitual way it is normally expressed.

I want you to feel where the feeling is most dominate in your body and name the place in your body where you feel it most i.e. in my chest, in my shoulders, in my stomach. Now take three slow deep breaths and as you exhale think the following thought into the part of the body you are aware of, in a tone of voice that sounds like you mean it...:

“I’m willing to love you and take care of you, even if I don’t understand you.” Repeat that thought three times in a sincere tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it. At the end of each time you say it notice the difference in that part of your body and name the change i.e. there is less tension, I feel lighter, I feel a release etc.. And to the change that you feel in that part of your body...think the thought “Thank You.” Again notice what response occurs.

This technique is one of a number of tools that I teach my clients and student. It begins to give a person an awareness of how they can transform emotional energy from one state into another. To be able to change emotional energy at will is an essential skill to have in life. Try this activity in the face of any situation or memory that evokes mild or strong negative emotions and with enough practice you will no longer be subjective to the automatic influences emotions tend to have on many people.

Have a great day!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who said THAT!?!

William Michael Forbes

Happiness comes as we leave our worries behind. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Even with the possibility of repeated failure, successful people keep going.

When I was a little boy, this wonderful toy appeared in toy stores called “Etch a Sketch.” To this day it is still manufactured by The Ohio Art Company and sold all over the world. The basic purpose of Etch a Sketch is to be able to create drawings on the same medium over and over again...merely by shaking the toy which then erases what we just had on the screen, in order to create something new. Life is like that for real too. We move into one experience after another, erasing what was by creating and doing something new. Now this isn’t always the case, sometimes as we all have this mechanism in our brains called Memory. Memory is an automatic function of the Subconscious mind, that is triggered by events that stimulate it and if the memory event that is stimulated has a lot of emotion attached to it we can find ourselves acting and behaving in ways that have us asking ourselves;

“Why did I say or do THAT?!?” or “Why did they say or do THAT?!?”

Memory is useful as a knowledge resource, but not always a good tool for communication. Learning to release ourselves from the emotional directives of memory impulses by keeping ourselves in the present moment, can be an opportunity for tremendous growth, change and happiness....which brings us to today’s activity on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less which will require a little diligence on the part of your awareness;
I want you to pay attention to any strong negative emotions that are triggered by the people or events during your day and tell the negative emotions like you mean it...that’s right, tell the negative emotions like you mean it, that you love them, even if you don’t understand them. ...then notice how those emotions respond to you. Then tell the emotions to show you a better way to handle what is going on then listen and feel for what comes up from your subconscious. You may find that you get an inclination to change the voice tone you are speaking in to yourself or others and you may even find ideas about something you could do differently with your body posture, or other actions you could do differently. The key here is that your subconscious will always respond to you provided that you interact with it consciously and give it suggestions that will direct it to provide your conscious mind with good ideas, thoughts and actions.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

By choice or by chance?

William Michael Forbes

Every human thought exists today, in direct proportion to the degree of the emotional intensity attached to it, as human experience, wmf

A Well Known Fact::
A light wave will become a light particle just because of the way the observer thinks about it.

We were up pretty late organizing and preparing the condominium for sale. I remember, as I lay my head onto my pillow at 3:00 a.m., having the fleeting thought, ‘I’m going to feel tired in the morning.’ It was a micro-thought that I did not cancel, so when I woke up in the morning, the fog of tiredness was permeating my body...and the dominate thought in my conscious mind for about 12 seconds was; ‘I don’t want to get up.’ I immediately turned my attention and emotional energy onto a completely opposite idea...’WOW....TODAY IS A BRAND NEW DAY! I AM SO HAPPY I GET TO EXPERIENCE IT IN MY HEALTHY HAPPY BODY STARTING RIGHT NOW!’ I sat my body up immediately stretching my arms upward and said out loud ‘YES, I LOVE LIFE!” I climbed out of bed, stood straight and tall (I’m 6’2”) and moved like I do when I’m having fun and feeling good. The tired energy, like a light wave, was transmuted into a positive, creative energy, a particle, by the mere act of giving my attention to it...which brings us to today’s tool for How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

As best as you can, notice when your energy feels a little low during the day and when you do, for thirty three seconds think about something that you know makes you feel really good and give it all your attention and if you are able, move your body as if the event is actually happening, make your facial expressions match the event you’re thinking about...then notice how your energy feels afterwards and let me know what you experienced.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Look at what I did.

William Michael Forbes

Gratitude is the life-blood of the human Soul. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

An action is perceived as the truth by the body...reinforced by thought and feeling it becomes a pattern of living belief.

If we have had a reasonably positive childhood upbringing, then the effort of being happy is reduced significantly. If on the other hand, you have experienced or are experiencing pain and trauma you may have to learn how to be happy as happiness, like love, is a learned skill. Having survived an extremely abusive parental figure, I went through some pretty serious and painful experiences because I had acquired and accepted beliefs and ideas that inclined me to behave in self-defeating and destructive ways. It was when I began to think that I was better than the thoughts that I had in my mind, that I began doing things that made me feel good about being in my own skin.

In my coaching practice I have found that the same process holds true for others, once constructive thoughts are consciously bonded to corresponding actions, beliefs and values shift inside the client and life circumstances, including new opportunities begin to change...almost magically to match the mind body alterations. Which brings us to today’s lesson on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less. Spend two minutes every hour noticing what is good about what you are thinking and doing...what you accomplishing and how it will benefit your life and the lives of others. For example, you may be in a cubicle taking an order over the telephone for a product that someone may be a Mom giving your child a bath or a dad working to provide for his family...whatever you are doing...consciously remind yourself of the good effects that what you are doing is having on your life and the lives of others. Even brushing your teeth makes your smile brighter for others to see and your mouth is clean and freesh. The point for this is that for two minutes every hour for 7 hours, acknowledge the good effects, no matter how small, that what you are doing will have. After each two minutes...notice how and what feels different...have fun with this!

Have a great day!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Do something good for your body today.

William Michael Forbes

Do something good for your body.

Your body hears everything you think and feel about it. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Emotion is the movement of energy through our minds and bodies and then outward into the world.

This thing called sleep and awake...what a miracle. We close our eyes and in an act of unfathomable faith we trust that we are going to wake up the next day and experience life again...not everyone does...and one day neither will all of us. Makes me want to dance and say...yaaay as often as I can!

Which brings me to today’s idea on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less; Do something good for your body today.

While you are enshrouded in your body it makes it’s a good idea to do good for it everyday...something that makes it feel really, really good...something quick and easy. Lets go!

Take three long slow deep breaths and feel the tension as it leaves your body as you exhale...every time we exhale our body automatically releases tension and when you are paying attention to your exhale, the release of tension is even greater with each subsequent breath you pay attention to. After the third breath...just let yourself feel the difference in your body from a few moments ago, for about ten if your body still feels a little tension, just take three more slow deep breaths and feel the difference again...(make sure you aren’t operating any machines or vehicles while doing this.)

Continue feeling the difference in your body and repeat the following thought towards your body as if you were talking to someone you love...

Thank you for being a part of my life every day....I’m so grateful for you. Repeat this thought directly into your body, saying or thinking the phrase in a tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it and pause each time you say it and allow yourself to become aware of how your body is responding to the vibration of this thought and the tone in which you present it. One to seven minutes of this activity will have your body and mind feeling relaxed and re-energized. With daily practice this is also a great tool for getting your body and mind to go to sleep or take naps faster and long as you keep your attention focused on the thought and the way it is suggested that you present it to yourself.

Have fun with this!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Make this moment count

Make this moment count.

Passivity is only for rest and relaxation. wmf

A Well Known Fact:
Each moment is a grain of sand that makes the brick of each year, which builds the structure called your life.

I woke up this morning into a totally quiet thoughtlessness and then in a moment I felt the first stirrings of memory and thought as my eyes, ears, nose and body began the process of drawing sensations into my now conscious brain. Through an act of will I choose a single thought from the near infinite line-up that was quickly building on the fringes of my mind, each one saying “Pick me!, pick me!”…yet the thought I deliberately chose was;

“Today is a brand new beautiful day….and there will never be another one like it!”

It is a simple truth that we all live with, yet it often gets lost is the unbridled activity of sensation, thought and routines that many of us live with. I have discovered that choosing my first thought of the day has, over time, given my day a sense of being the truth that it is….brand new…every moment of it. We’ve never been to now until we get there and too often we get to now and we remember then…or we wonder about the future and the magic of now gets habitually hidden in plain sight of our past present or future pull. The fact is that now is and remains with you every moment of your life and you can use it anyway you like…any idea or thought that you put into now will create or recreate depending on what it is that you place into that infinite fragment of time, space and matter…what an endless opportunity…what a great design!!!

And so for today’s suggestion on How to feel good in 15 minutes or less…do this;
Pick any moment that you can throughout your day…take several deep breaths and release the tension from your body and watch as your mind too will calm. Now try this thought out for size…or choose any thought that you feel is right for you;

“I’ve never been to this moment before…thank you!” Repeat this thought several times in a tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it and put an extra emphasis on the “Thank you!” notice what has changed in how you feel and in how the thoughts in your mind have changed. And….

Have a great day!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

your choices and actions matter.

Your choices and actions matter.

If you don’t know how to swim hold onto something that floats. wmf

A Well Known Fact:

Our acts become our facts.

I experience a certain remarkability in my mind when I open my eyes in the invisible exclamation mark that is followed by the sentences of the days experiences, which my choices and actions sculpt and form into another piece of the building materials that becomes the construct that I call my life. Choices and actions do not always have a certainty attached to results that haven’t occurred, yet all of us go forward boldly into the day...and that is a bravery that is universal to every human being on the face of this planet...we go on...healthy, ill, crippled, hungry...all of us go forward...divine little miracles all of us. I thought that asking you to contemplate this would be an interesting way to feel happy in 15 minutes or less...however so many of you are big-time doers...and need to get up and go.

So here is today’s activity for you I hope you enjoy it. As simple as it may sound...this activity requires that you take a small risk...whenever you can, at anyplace, at anytime do this;

Stand up straight hands at your side, chin slightly up and put a big smile on your raise your hands above your head...spread them out a bit and shout out or think loudly in your mind “YES! YES! YES!” notice how you feel and if it feels good....DO IT AGAIN!!!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The simple power of posture

William Michael Forbes

A good stance sends a good message. wmf

A Well Known Fact:
Up to 90% of all human communication is on a non-verbal level

I was writing an article the other day on what values are and was scanning through my past to compare those to the values I presently live by. I was at a point in my memory banks where I remembered living on the streets of Toronto, sleeping in stairwells, on heating grates and for periods at friends homes...until I got my first apartment at age 15. As I was remembering, I noticed that my body began slouching over, my breathing had become restricted and I could feel the muscles in my neck, chest and shoulders tightening up as the body reacted to the memories I was accessing. I took a moment to communicate love, gratitude and appreciation to those parts of my subconscious mind that were reactivated and as I did my breathing normalized, my body spontaneously straightened and my muscles relaxed. After that I realized that this would be a great lesson to share with whoever ends up reading this.

Whatever thoughts, ideas, memories or events our attention is on will have an effect upon the body and so for today’s idea on how to be happy in 15 minutes or less let us try this out for a day. Create a way to remind yourself that during today, whenever you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, angry or frustrated, do the following, it will only take a minute or two...longer if you get into the good vibes this activity can create.
During the times of the day you recognize you are in stress (or distress) do these three things in this exact order 1.) Straighten your body up and pull your shoulders back a bit to remove the pressure off your lungs and heart and notice how your body feels...if the body feels better say or think “Thank you!” to your body. 2.) Take a deep full breath and feel how it feels drawing your breath in, exhale and feel how the tension is automatically released from your upper body, again notice how it feels and say or think “Thank you!” to your body 3.) Put your happiest smile upon your face for about 4 seconds, also noticing how you feel. This takes less than a minute and at the very least you will notice a reduction in physical tension which in turn will ease tension in your mind. A positive posture will also communcate a sense of confidence and trust to those around you.

Thats all I have to say about that.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Choose a good thought, choose a good feeling!!

William Michael Forbes

The reward of effort is results. wmf

A Well Known Fact:
Thoughts might become forms

I was thinking about my life today and how, through some of my teen years and young adult years, events would occur that would upset me. For example there was this job I had as a plant manager for a novelty manufacturing and when the circumstances I left under left me visibly upset. When I look carefully back at that event from where I am now, I realize that it wasn’t the event that was so upsetting, but the emotions I had coupled with the thoughts I had about what was is a memory now, with no negative emotion attached to it.

Today I recognize this process in my life on a moment to moment basis and have become very careful about the emotional energy that I can choose to attach to any event or situation. Knowing that emotions determine the strength and impact of my responses both towards myself, others and the situations, I find myself being very mindful about the thoughts I’m going to think when I’m happy, sad, upset and joyful. Thoughts themselves, which can be stimulated from outside of my body by people, books, media or my own ruminations, can trigger emotional states which in turn cause physical behaviour...unless one is aware that they have a choice. All thoughts do not become forms...unless there is an emotion attached to them!!

Today’s activity is fun and simple...notice the thoughts that events around you bring up to your conscious awareness...identify what or who the thought is about...and then notice what emotion is connected to the thought, its quality and the behaviour it inclines you to this point choice is still available to you...if the emotion is negative and you act upon it...the results will likely be negative...if the emotion is positive...the resulting behaviour will likely be positive. Now try deliberately changing the emotion to another one and see what impetus to action that you. The point here is to realize that you have the power to choose your emotions and thoughts at will and therefore remain free to create emotional states that will bring more joy into your day at anytime.

Have a great day!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Gotta Love that Smile!!

Another easy way to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.
Some of the best things in life are free and they will need some of your time.”


A Well Known Fact:

Certain movements of our body cause specific state changes

While breathing is a nice way to release tension and stress and therefore increase your happiness, another simple and fun way to become happy in fifteen minutes or less is to smile. Every molecule of your body is interconnected with every other cannot separate the effects that one part of your body has upon another, and the reaction that these effects and can have upon the influencing of your mind. So here is an interesting experiment for you to try can try it longer if you like it.

When you first get to your bathroom mirror at the beginning of the day, scowl at yourself and notice what you feel. Next make an angry face at yourself, again notice what you feel, then make a sad face at yourself, also noticing what you feel. Now comes the fun at yourself for about 4 seconds...notice what you feel...then wait 10 seconds and smile at your face again for another four seconds and for the rest of the day every fifteen minutes remember to matter where you are or what you are doing...just smile for four seconds and notice what you feel. At the end of the day do you feel better than you usually do?

This is another nice, simple activity that can make it easy for you to move yourself into positive energy all with the ease of a simple smile. It might also be fun to notice how others are responding to your smiling too...You will always get good interest on the investment of a smile.
Have a great day!


Friday, January 15, 2010

One tool for being happy in 15 minutwes or less

“Some of the best things in life are free and they will need some of your time.”


A 30 second stress reduction tool for most circumstances

A Well Known Fact:

If your body isn’t breathing it will die.

Have you noticed how your breathing changes when you are frustrated, afraid, and angry or stressed out? Under stress most peoples breathing usually becomes quick and shallow as muscles in the body tightened instinctually as your body gets prepared to deal with or run from the challenging or threatening situation. I used to notice that sometimes I realized I was hardly breathing at all and would often find myself taking in a deep breath to compensate and then I would exhale with a loud sigh...we’ve all done’s a bodies’ natural stress reliever.

Restrictions in your breathing will diminish your ability to make good choices and take effective action and it is essential for your body, without oxygen coming into it your body will die…and unnatural breathing due to consistent stress, over prolonged periods, will cause gradual dis-ease and decay in cells that are repeatedly deprived.

Your breathing is the most important starting point towards feeling good in 15 minutes or less, it’s easy to do and it feels good. In fact right now, take a deep breathe in and feel how your chest expands out with the filling of your lungs and when your lungs feel filled...allow your body to exhale and feel how the muscles in your chest relax immediately releasing tension. Take another deep, lung-filling breath and let the air escape once your lungs are full. Notice how your body feels more relaxed after releasing your breathe. Take another breathe in and again fill your lungs completely, notice the expansion in your chest as the lungs are filled and then let the breath escape on its own. This time notice how your chest, as well as the surrounding muscles, relax further. Take one more really deep breathe and this time pay attention to the way all your muscles relax as the body exhales...notice that a little more of your body has relaxed after each breath.

Breathing is a natural stress reliever, it is easy to do and you are probably feeling better having just done this little 90 second activity. Create the habit of breathing by doing it when you notice worry, fear and doubt and when you are faced with any stress causing situation. Do not hold your breathe and count to 10...instead consciously breathe in until your lungs are full and let your breath come out and always notice the way your body automatically relaxes and how the stress begins to diminish and you will naturally begin to feel better.

Learning to feel good can be just a few deep breaths away.