William Michael Forbes
The moment is undervalued when we are remembering too much or wondering about the future.wmf
A Well known fact: In reality nothing can happen before or after...now is the only real time event.
We were up at least 10 minutes before the alarm went off and spent a few minutes being grateful and as the alarm went off we hurried about making lunch, preparing wardrobe and ensured the animals were fed. We had to be showered dressed and be out the door by seven-thirty and once every few moments my mind would have the thought; “Hurry, Hurry, you’re going to be late.” and with that thought there would be a short burst of anxiety. I was fully aware that both the thought and the emotion were stimulated whenever I looked at the time on any of our clocks. My mind, or as some might say, my ego, was trying to go into the future and as it did that, it would also represent the memories of other times I had been behind my schedule.
Our minds and the ego both survive outside of the NOW. They exist when we allow our awareness to move out of the present into memories, emotions and the automatic implications those memories may have on the as yet un-experienced future. We left the house at exactly seven-twenty and headed out onto the Gardner Expressway towards Downtown Toronto. NJ had a seven-forty-five call time and we knew we were perfectly timed, although that little voice of the ego was still trying to assert that something was wrong. As we headed across the raised highway, The bright sun, now a huge yellow morning ball came shining warmly into the front window as we left the shadows of the tall building that was blocking it. We both went WOW and in that “WOW” we came into the bliss of the moment...the light, the warmth, the movement of the car...everything came together into a massive Gestalt that included everything within and around us and all thoughts of the future and past were encompassed in the rightness of being in the moment, which brings us to today’s lesson on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.
Today’s lesson is easy and fun and will take no more than a minute per hour today. I want you to take and release a deep breath and release physical tension from your body, then take another and release the thoughts from your mind and the then pick something in the environment that you like to look at, it can be a person, a place or a thing, living or inanimate. Let yourself feel the good feelings you have about what it is you’ve chosen as your subject/object, and think the following thought sincerely towards it “Thank you, thank you, thank you” and as the feelings connected to those words grow, repeat the thought again “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” now let your awareness include everything, all people and all things around you as if they are part of the original object/subject, for at least thirty seconds and....
Have a Great Day!
William Michael Forbes
Copyright© 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.
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