Friday, April 30, 2010

Loving you.

William Michael Forbes

What you do in the mirror strengthens love or invites fear. wmf

A Well Known Fact: If we act against our own best interests…there is likely to be some discomfort.

What do you do each day to love you…by love I don’t mean that you just pleasure your taste buds with chocolate…I mean what do you do to feel good for being? What do you do? Meditation? Go for walks? Exercise? What do you do to feel like you care about you? Today spend at least two minutes per hour for the next eight hours do one of the things that you do when you want to let yourself know you care about you, remember to reflect on the feelings that the activity generates for you and…

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

William Michael Forbes

To love.

Even the smallest act of love has the fullness of love. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Love is an energy that alters time, space and matter.

Today’s blog is called to Love because that is what you are going to be playing around with…love. What is love to you? How do you feel it? Where in your body do you feel it? In what ways do you act love out? Do you love one person differently than another? Do you love yourself as another? Whatever you think love might be…for today I want you to recall the feeling of love as you understand it to be and for two minutes over each of the next eight hours and imagine that you can send that feeling to anyone, anywhere…you can even just fill the space directly around you with that feeling for each two minutes per hour and….

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Your purpose is...

William Michael Forbes

One thing is for certain...a part of you always knows. wmf

A Well Known Fact: On the physical plain of consciousness motion is life...on the plain of pure is too...its actions are determined by the force of intention behind it.

In my coaching practice many of the people that come to me are searching for their life’s purpose....and what they mean is the job that will let them communicate their love into living action. Developing an awareness of what we love comes easily to some; others have to search for it. Those that know what they love do it...those that know they love to do are exploring different avenues of experience to discover it; others love more than one activity and are always having fun.

Practicing, discovering or even rediscovering a passion or a purpose are fun ways to get us in tune with what can give our life more meaning and value....doing is the key to knowing what is right for us or not right for us experience is our only teacher. I have discussed the concept of discovering purpose and today I represent an earlier tool to facilitate another way you might have in consciously knowing more of what you like.

Today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, only requires that you have a small notepad that you carry around with you and for three minutes each hour put all of your attention only onto things, events and circumstance that get your attention positively and....

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Feats of YES!

William Michael Forbes

If you step away from what you want it will get further from you. wmf

A Well Known Fact: The power to control gravity is in your hands.

Growing up is about learning how to be and do in the world in a way that satisfies all our needs while also being respectful of the reasonable needs of others. As we grow and change, make new decisions and experience the effects that those decisions can have upon our lives we either grow in knowledge, wisdom and personal power or we pull back in fear of the changes that our decisions may set in motion.

When you make a decision and take action to improve your life from what it is into what it is you want, change is going to occur, you are going to experience change; this is as inevitability as gravity on Earth and something you must learn to live with if you want to experience what you want to. Some of the changes you initiate might appear to be scary, but ultimately if your goal is to improve your life...then this is what will happen as long as your thoughts feelings and action stay congruent to the goal. You are free however to choose to remain where you are doing what it is you do and being as you are being...STOP COMPLAINING ITS WHAT YOU’VE CHOSEN...BE HAPPY! If you want change then continue reading...this Blog this is for you.

There are five feats of YES!” The first Feats of YES! Is to decide what it is you want...whether you want a new job, a new partner, a new vacation or a new set of clothes,...this is the first feat of yes...choosing what you want. Once you make a choice about what you want, you can move on to the second Feats of yes, which is how do I get what I want. You start looking for it. The third Feats of yes is trying it out for job, new partner...whatever it is you want, try it out and see if the experience matches what you want it to be. The fourth Feats of yes is dealing with others’ responses to what you want. Chances are that the people that love you will encourage you and support you in having what you want, because people that love you and know how to love want you to be happy. People that discourage you from what you want are to be not try convincing other people that it is okay for you to have what you want...people who discourage you can never live in your shoes, they will not be able to experience your life for you and those people usually head for the hills when something goes awry, leaving you alone...people who love you will always try to help.

The fifth and Feat of YES! Is KEEP GOING AND STAY FOCUSED ON YOUR GOAL NO MATTER WHAT. This last element is the hardest because when you make a change from where you are to where you want to go many other elements in your life; your thoughts, your feeling, your actions must and will change. Also, when you make a change the people closest to you, will naturally have to change and they may be afraid of and not understand the meaning and value of the change that you’ve set in motion. Try explaining what you are doing and why to the people involved...if they cannot or will not not try to force them...just carry on towards your goal...if your goal or objective is to be happy...they will see it in time...keep inviting them to participate...but do not force them...just keep going and continue being happy and enjoying the journey knowing you are on the way to your goal(s).

This brings us to today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, and will take one to three minutes each hour for the next five to eight hours. Breathe deeply and release all tension from your body, then write down one thing down that if it had already occurred, would make your life more like you’d like it to be and spend the one to three minutes each hour imagining how your life is, right now, with this change. Feel and imagine everything that you can...what you do...where you you look...who you see, how you live, how you feel, what you think and the kinds of people you are surrounded by and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Inclined to love

William Michael Forbes

If the purpose of life is to obtain maximum Pleasure...then Love is the winner of my heart and mind. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Love has been proven to be a vibration capable of inducing immediate positive changes into spaces places and times that can completely alter and transcend negative conditions and circumstances, when intentionally directed by any individual.

Fear, anxiety, doubt, guilt have their beginnings in a irritation. This irritation can come from ourselves or can come from a sigh a sound a touch, a taste and even a smell...we’ve all experienced the process...sometimes forgetting the beginning and finding ourselves in the aftermath, scratching our heads saying or thinking...”What the hell..!?!”. Indeed the many facets of fear are the cause and root of most of humanities ills...fortunately there is a powerful remedy for any condition that fear may produce...that remedy is called Love.

Unlike fear, love is a vibration that is completely the opposite of is a vibration that will immediately begin reducing and eliminating the effects of fact the vibration of Love will completely immunize anyone who has cultivated it from the effects of fear before the effects of fear can even begin to make their presence felt in our lives. Today’s blog on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, is called inclined to Love as I view Love and fear as choices that we can make consciously. However in order to reach a place where we have the awareness to make a choice between these two diametrically opposite states, we must know how to recognize the differences of each and then learn to choose what will be most conducive for our growth and happiness.

In order to distinguish the differences between Love and Fear we need to know the attribute of each in order to know. Let’s begin with the symptoms of fear as these are often most easy to identify.

Symptoms of fear include and often begin with the following;

1. Annoyance
2. Irritation
3. Frustration.
4. Disappointment
5. Upset.
6. Feelings of guilt.
7. Feelings of shame.
8. Self doubt.
9. Avoidance.
10. Procrastination.
11. Anger.
12. Criticism.
13. Condemnation.
14. Anger.
15. Rage.
16. Hate.

These symptoms cause a wide array of problems both in the body and in the mind of any person experiencing them and when they are detected we can choose to be subjective to them or we can decide to choose to identify with any of the symptom of love, which include but are not limited to the following;

1. Gentleness
2. Calm demeanour.
3. Patience.
4. Soft spoken.
5. Friendliness.
6. Compassionate.
7. Willingness to help.
8. Positive attitude.
9. Solution orientated.
10. Joyfulness.
11. Playfulness.
12. Harmoniousness.
13. Peaceful.
14. Determined.
15. Acts that complete good outcomes.
16. Purposefullness.
17. Imaginative.
18. Wanting to inspire.

These lists are not meant to be complete as each state has an infinite number of shade across the spectrum of human interrelations, but rather as general information for the purpose of assisting the reader in identifying when they are in one particular state or another.

I called this inclined to love because in reality every single human soul is naturally designed to express and experience love, once a state of self awareness is developed by the human soul, a state of love or fear can be chosen. If you are aware of any of the above symptoms, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms than you can make a choice between one or the other, the power to choose is available to everyone...when they are in a state of is often the lament of people who have not learned to reason who find themselves in difficult situation to say: “I don’t know how or why this happened.?!” However today activity is designed to assist you in being inlined to Love versus fear, which brings us to today’s activity, which will take about one or two minutes out of each of the next eight hours. Print out the above list, and bring it with you today. When you find yourself acting as if you are in the fear column, ask yourself what can you do to act out one of the symptoms of love. For example, you may find yourself feeling irritated about something and you may tap your finger, make an annoying face or begin talking badly about someone...then take out the list and look at the symptoms of love and choose to act out a symptom that appeals to you...and notice what happens to your feelings and actions as you choose to act out the Love symptom and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 23, 2010

With good reason.

William Michael Forbes

Thinking can happen automatically by resonance or it can be a choice! wmf

A Well Known Fact: Birds of a feather flock together.

The human mind is a wonderful instrument of both energy and consciousness. Once it is programmed with an idea it can carry that idea out automatically, like walking or driving a car, tying our shoes and eating our food, behaviour once acquired becomes a functional part of our lives. Throughout our childhood we were given all kinds of ideas and thoughts about what was right and wrong, what was good and what was bad. Unfortunately children do not normally begin to develop conscious reason until around age five and often by that time many of the limiting ideas and beliefs, that were given to us unexamined, can operate throughout our lives.
Fortunately we have a faculty called REASON, which can, through patience and effort be developed to function, is a way to help us move towards even more positive life conditions. Developing reason means we must learn to become conscious of our values and the thoughts emotions and feelings that occur in our minds in order to remove, replace and repair any beliefs or ideas that do not support an ideal image for our lives. Which brings us to today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, activity, which is about uncovering and replacing negative ideas about your life. Today’s activity will take about one to two minutes per hour for the next eight hours and you’ll need to keep a piece of paper and a pen or pencil handy.

For one minute every hour make your body comfortable, breathe deeply in and out exhaling all tension from your entire body as you do...let your thoughts become quiet for this minute and ask the following question in your mind and write down the responses that come for the remaining time.

“What are three things I do that hold me back from what I want?”

After you write down your answers...turn the page over and go back to what you were doing till the next hour passes. At the end of the day look over your list and ask yourself the following question for each thing you wrote down;

“What thoughts and actions would change this for me?” and write down your responses...what you have now are a few action steps to help you move forward with whatever it is you want and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Contemplating Joy

William Michael Forbes


To give thought to joy will lighten the load and brighten your day! wmf

A Well Known Fact: Laughter has been known to reduce and help eliminate, disease from the body.

Joy is a word we have all experienced at one time or another, during special occasions, holidays, and birthdays. Joy is a state of being, not a state of is an experience for the human Soul to know who and what it really is. When Joy is expressed your whole being is involved, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head...we’ve all had moments like this. Joy can come to us through sights, smells, touches, tastes and sounds. Joy can come through intimacy and is what we all yearn to experience more of each day of our lives, which brings us to today’s How to be Happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Whatever we focus our attention on begins to cause immediate state changes in our body’s Glands, nerves, organs, muscles and eliminative systems. Also the stronger a state is the more pronounced its influence is upon our behaviour towards the world. This is true with both positive and negative states. For the next five hours spend three minutes contemplating only ideas, thoughts and images that would only give you joy if you were experiencing them right now. If possible make sure you will be undisturbed for those three minutes. Remember to breathe and relax for about thirty seconds before you begin and once you have your mind flowing with joyful images, ideas and thoughts...let yourself become aware of how the joy affects your body...notice too if people and events around you begin to change also and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My cup of tea.

William Michael Forbes

The way we will treat others is indicative of how we treat ourselves. wmf

A Well Known Fact: In order for behaviour to express through an individual it must already exist within them either as a genetic precondition or as behaviour learned directly through the surrounding environments.

Finding activities and things we enjoy doing can sometimes get overlooked when we are caught up in the business of our live...and yet fun is one of the reasons we have for being. What do you like doing when realize you have nothing else to do? Do you play games? Do crosswords? Go for a walk? Watch a favourite show? There are countless activities for all people as long as we are aware of what it is that we like and dislike and take the time to identify what it is...we can keep our time positive and fun.

For a two-minutes of each of the next seven hours Write down at least two activities that you enjoy doing...remind yourself of how you feel doing them...imagine how it would feel doing them again and allow yourself to feel those feelings, post the list you have created on your refrigerator at home and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It’s already done.

William Michael Forbes

Emotions are motivating or debilitating depending on how we choose to respond to them. wmf

A Well Known Fact: In test subjects, scientists found that body chemistry and muscle movements were very similar whether a person performed and activity or only imagined it. The only differences were the degree and intensity of the reactions in the body.

You’ve been thinking of doing something to the extent that you feel excited about the idea whenever you ponder it. Maybe you’re thinking of a vacation or having more money, maybe you imagine a new relationship, a new job, or going into politics, participating in a global food initiative. There are many times throughout our lives that we’ve thought about doing a lot of different things, many of them we may have already done and many more still await our arrival. It is true for most of us, that we all have ideas about things we want to experience, say and do. Today’s how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about the art of imagination. It is a subject that I’ve touched on in a variety of different ways and yet I find it useful to revisit this process every day in some way, shape or form, in order to keep creative energies moving in my life.

Our imagination is only effective at generating energy when it is actively engaged, which means we allow ourselves to go into the imagining, the same way we might lose ourselves in a good movie or a conversation with a friend or lover or an exciting activity. When we can fully engage our imagination the energy generated can decrease the physical time and energy required to produce desired, tangible results. With this in mind let me take you forward into today’s activity, which will require that you use about two minutes every hour for the next eight hours. Pick one experience that you’ve been hoping to have and write it down on a piece of paper. Make a verbal statement that sounds like you mean it as follows; “I am so grateful that I have this dream in my life, it enriches me and the people I know.” Repeat this statement three times deliberately and meaningfully, then take two slow deep breaths, exhaling tension from your whole body then hold the image and feeling of the experience that you want to have, what part of your body reacts to your image and idea…what emotions does you image evoke in you as you picture yourself doing it…put your attention on the positive feelings and imagine those feelings becoming strong throughout your body, then imagine those feelings radiating out from your body…take another deep breath think or say Thank you and go back to what you were doing. After each two minute period notice how you are feeling and…

Have a great day!
William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Love versus fear

William Michael Forbes

The birth of dreams begins with the death of fear wmf

A Well Known Fact: Fear can threaten our physical, mental and emotional well being and wreak havoc on our lives, however when it is exposed to the light of reason, directed by love, it is as a cube of ice exposed to intense heat and it dissolves.

There are fears that are natural fears, like reacting to a sudden sound, or a physical event occurs that threatens our body in some way. There are emotional fears that come from imagining or thinking thoughts that are fear inducing, there are fears of failure, fears of success, fears of losing, fears of being alone…whatever it is we fear will like the time on a clock pass away. There are psychological conditions that appear to cause fear, panic and terror in the lives of many, negative cyclical thinking that has become so automatic that the original cause to the fear is lost to the awareness and all that is left is the ongoing simmering emotional volcano that the forgotten thinking drives. Psychology and psychiatry alike seek to ameliorate mental and emotional conditions through a wide array of tools, techniques, drugs and therapies in order to restore balance to the awareness of the individual. These therapies have proven helpful to many and also fruitless in the results for others. What could be missing from modern mental sciences that could improve its efforts towards the evolution of individuals past certain emotional roadblocks? The answer, I believe, is LOVE.

Love is a vibration that can be communicated without words…it is a feeling that makes us feel valuable, whole, complete and purposeful. Love is a feeling that moves us beyond judgement into appreciation, understanding, patience, compassion and acts that uplift, support and empower others to grow and become all that they can be. When we experience love within ourselves, it lets our reasoning faculty function at a level beyond Ego into an intuitive state of knowing, without necessarily knowing how. Love lets us see and know truth as it relates directly to our experience of life and all of us know this innate feeling in varying degrees; one might say that the dance between the states of love and fear are what give humans the vast spectrum of diversity that appears as our own individuality.

There are some teachings that say that love is life…that love is the very essence that enables our hearts to beat, our food to digest and our solar system to spin. Some schools of thought suggest that without awareness of the pulls and pushes of fear and love individuality cannot grow or evolve beyond the state of instinctual behaviour and that reason could not flourish without the awareness of these seemingly opposite states. I though today would be a good day to experiment with love and fear, which brings us to today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

For two minutes over the next eight hours think of one fear that you have and how that fear exists in your life right now. Then write down an example of what you could say, think and do to experience the opposite. For example, I might have the fear that I’m going to fail at a writing today’s blog and it won’t be posted…I write down that fear and then opposite to that I would write, I’m going complete my blog successfully and easily by writing it now and posting it immediately. Once you’ve written the opposite to the fear…take some action no matter how small towards your opposite of the fear. Write and complete one per hour over the next eight hours, remembering to breath slowly and deeply whenever you notice tension as you do this activity and…
Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Consistent focus.

William Michael Forbes

Concentration has a way of working itself out... wmf

A Well Known Fact: From the ant to the spider, to the flower and the tree...all life has the tenacity to continue to be.

One of the benefits of How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is that every day you are required to consciously and intentionally use your ability to concentrate your attention on a specific task that may be outside of the scope of your normal routine, which can refresh your mind and keep you sharp. Concentration is essential in order to do and accomplish anything. There are some tasks that are easier than others and therefore the amount of concentration will vary in accordance with the amount of focus required for a specific task...however...if concentration hits near or about one hundred percent, results can occur in miraculous ways.

What we focus on expands...whether what we focus on is positive or negative it will expand as long as it receives attention from us. Concentration is like the point of friction between a match-stick and a striker and when the match (concentration) and striker (goal or objective one is seeking) come together correctly there is a flame (result produced). It is important to concentrate correctly on the results that we want while continuing to do everything we can to bring about our desired effect. We are all concentrating in some degree all the time, unfortunately most of us concentrate sporadically a little here and a little there. With no consistent or sustainable effort disappointment can be a frequent visitor in the lives of many.

Today’s How to be Happy in fifteen minutes or less is about concentrating on what you really want...and so for the next three hours for five minutes pick something that seems simple to have and for five minutes imagine that you have with you right now. How would having it feel, what would having it now make you think, what would having it now make you want to do....really play deeply with this one for the next three mindful over this day next few days as to any event or circumstance that comes up in relation to what you want and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Be happy instead of right.

William Michael Forbes

Oh boy, happiness saves a lot of heartache wmf

A Well Known Fact: From the world of animal consciousness man has inherited the desire to be right by might.

You want the best for yourself and want to live in harmony...sometimes the harmony isn’t there...and it’s usually because someone is trying to be right...and being right usually comes at the expense of being happy and everyone ends up being unhappy. Two questions that people rarely ask during a disagreement or debate...two question that can make a meeting of souls fun and consistently exciting...this if what How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is for today.

With as many encounters as you can (for the fifteen minutes), approach them with the following questions; What do we both want from this meeting? And; What is the truth about what we want to accomplish together? The first question establishes the shared goal the second question puts the focus on what is going to make both parties happy. Finding and supporting the interests of both parties will always protect the identities’ of both and liberate the expressions of one another without forcing either to be the way the other wants. Make sure that you only spend fifteen minutes in total for this activity...seeking the truth of what an encounter is for will liberate all parties concerned...provided that the truth and not the separate interests of either are the goal of any encounter...successful communication is inevitable.

This is a skill to be developed and is designed on the premise that the interests of all parties in any encounter are equally as valuable as the other and therefore makes any interaction an opportunity for greater joy and fulfillment for all and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Receive it easy.

William Michael Forbes

Be willing to recieve. wmf

A Well Known Fact: An beautiful space invites.

You cannot ignore yourself, your body, your mind...they require your attention in order to work correctly just like a car or any machine. In other words you need to feel loved too. For today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, you are going to do one of two things, each hour for 5 are going to either ask for something or say yes to something. It will require that you be mindful of when someone offers you something or an opportunity comes along to ask for something. Either way today is about you getting some needed attention...good luck with this can be a lot of fun getting what we want and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Random happiness

William Michael Forbes

A good surprise is a good surprise. wmf

A Well Known Fact: A strong enough positive idea will overcome a negative lingering idea.

Okay...maybe your bred...been doing the same thing for too throw a little curve into the mix. For Today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, you will need one to two minutes per hour for seven hours and here is what you are going to do...

Write down the names of the first eight people you can think of. Now once you have this list, once every hour, call each person on the list and tell them at least two things you appreciate about them. Spend no more than two minutes per call. If the person on your list is deceased or inaccessible at this time, hold a mental image of them in your mind and tell them the two things you appreciate about them. Notice how you feel before each call or visualization, notice how you feel during and after each call and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Stay your course

William Michael Forbes

There is success in not quitting. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Even in the worst storms...a steady ship will not sink.

How often each day to you consider what your goals and dreams are? How much time do you give to them? Do you spend time imagining yourself already being in the result? Do you feel as if what you are aiming for has already happened? Dreams and imagination are inseparable...we cannot have one without the other...if like a sailor or airline pilot, a rock climber of hiker, we have a destination an idea of where we are going...even if things get rough at time the very idea of our goal, as long as we stay with it, will literally draw us through any and all challenges or difficulties we long as we remember that our lives flows where our attention goes.

Stay your course is what today’s blog on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about...and the activity will take about three minutes for each of the next five hours. Find a comfortable place where you can relax your body and be undisturbed. Get your body comfortable by breathing in slowly, and exhaling the tension from your body...take at least three breaths like that and pay attention to how the tension leaves your body as you exhale. On the fourth breath as you exhale release all of the thoughts from your mind that you can and do two more breaths like that, the imagine seeing yourself as you know you will be once you’ve reached the result that you are seeking. Just imagine how you physically look and dress. Imagine what it looks like where you are living. Imagine how good you feel being where and how you know you want to be and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Keep at it.

William Michael Forbes

Never doubt the power of simple. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Knowing the whole of all things is in the moment of their comprehension.

I want to keep today’s blog very simple. If you have a goal or a dream that you believe you are on the way to fulfilling, if it is not yet complete it is because it is not completed, because you are still working on it. Today’s activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, will require two minutes from each of the next eight hours and will assist you in building more faith in what you are aspiring to achieve so that you may continue moving forward knowing you are still on matter how things may appear at this point in the process.

Take one of each minute and relax your body and mind by attentively breathing slowly and deeply. At the end of the first minute begin putting your attention sincerely on this idea;

“I am actually on the way to fully completing my dreams and goals.”

Speak or think these words over and over as if they are true facts for the remaining minute from each hour, then repeat this for each of the remaining seven hours and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

From here to now.

William Michael Forbes

Here is often anywhere but usually refers to some other time and space that one remembers or hopes will be. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Now engages the truth, when it is truly engaged, for what is now has no interpretation only the knowing of what is...therefore now cannot be described to be can only be experienced as it is.

Most of the time in my adult life was what I call re-experienced time; time remembered as something and thought to be experienced as if it were now. In other words my now’s have often been coloured by what I remember about life and what I would like my life to be like...which are merely coats of paint over the truth of now. Almost everyone live frequently in this not now...and yet all of us also have real now`s that we experience. Laughter for example is a now experience, that may have been stimulated by a past thought or future consideration, yet the feeling of the laughter is a NOW state that is both future and past free as it is experienced. A physical orgasm is a NOW experienced as NOW with no past or future attached to it and so too is the act of sneezing, as is a moment of being startled and even an intense sudden itchiness. These experiences and many others can take us into NOW and out of the past and future.

Being in the now has been viewed as profound mystical moment, a communion with the divine. Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God as being `Here NOW`, Buddhism refers to now as the eternal present. As well there are sciences like Gestalt, books like Ekhart Tolles `The power of NOW` and statements like `seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you.` that seem to support that there is great value in now, in that Now seems to figure prominently in the realm of ultimate happiness and should be considered as an important tool in the discovery of, How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

How can you, if you haven`t been trained in a Buddhist temple, have no itchiness, no sneezing and aren`t having an orgasm, get into a state of now? Today’s activity on how to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is an exercise in returning to the now. As children we all had to be taught about time. We had no thoughts of tomorrow or even yesterday...we had memory in terms of previous experiences, but these only became influential in our behaviour after repeated exposure to specific and related events and activities. As we grew and learned about time, we formed ideas about the future and could review our past...and what then became of now? Where is your NOW? What would happen to you if you stopped thinking of the future and ceased dwelling upon the past? And these questions bring us to the activity on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

This is a simple and fun activity and will be a snap to do. Wherever you are at this moment and for at least one minute every half hour...I want you to do one of the following actions. First take a deep breath and relax your body...then take not of what is going on in your mind...what is your mind doing? Wondering about what is next? Remembering what you did this morning or what happened at another time? Is your mind concerned you won’t have time to do this or anxious about something? Whatever it is your mind is doing at this moment, I want you to do either one of the following actions either snap you fingers or clap your hands and pay full attention to what happens to your thoughts in the moment you snap or clap. Where did your thoughts go when you snapped or clapped? And what do you experience in yourself at the moment of the snap or clap?

Our minds can only analyze one thing thought or act at a time and at the moment the snap or clap occurs the sound can be heard but not analyzed as analysis requires that you remember. Listen intently to the sound of the snap or clap as it occurs...what do you feel as it occurs? It is the feeling at the moment the snap or the clap occurs that I want you to experience as fully as you can...not the sound...the feeling. If at any time during the day you find your thoughts and emotions get a little busy...try snapping your fingers or clapping your hands and notice what happens to the thoughts and emotions at the moment you do either of those and...

Have a great day!

William Michael Forbes

Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The fear and the joy of change

William Michael Forbes

The fear and the joy of change

Sometimes like a welcome friend, sometimes like my greatest foe, change the dance of life that goes ever on. wmf

A Well Known Fact: Without change nothing would or could ever be...even a rock is imperceptibly changing and so change must be so you too can.

Routines can be wonderful for giving us a sense of order and structure that we may rely and depend on, however everything that happens between our routine enables us to define and appreciate the structure that our lives have. There are many types of changes with many shades and qualities to them, yet they can be broken down into two basic categories;

1. Positive changes

2. Negative changes

There are only positive and negative changes in our experiences of life and we may feel many different degrees of intensity of positive and negative...these are the only changes that any of us will ever experience. Changes can be initiated by ourselves and others, changes can be brought about naturally through the interactions of the environment with itself yet there will only be positive changes and negative changes for us to experience. All matter requires an ongoing and dynamic movement of energy, an exchange of energy from one state into another that enables a constant birth and rebirth of time, space and matter. In the natural world there is no judgement as to whether or not change is good or bad, it just the realm of humanity, where we consciously and directly experience change as pleasure and pain, the tendency is to avoid pain at all costs and to seek and only experience pleasure...however all of nature has to go through the experience of the opposites in order for changes to occur and so too must human order to become changes must happen...will happen...even if we try to avoid them. When we learn to not only embrace change but to actively seek it out, we become an active player in the life dynamic that we are all a part of...we can experience the highest highs of life and the lowest of lows and still grow, develop and evolve ourselves to higher and ever higher expressions of life...we can become a worker in a factory or an Einstein in a laboratory, we can become a miner or an astronaut, we can become a storyteller or a story writer...we can be whatever we might choose to long as we are willing to change...and even if we are unwilling to will mercilessly continue the process whether we participate or not, which brings us to today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

I want you to ask yourself the following question;

If I could change anything about my life, what would I change?

No matter what your answer is anything is possible. If you want to change your body in some way, there are many ways to change your body that can make you feel better about it. If you want to change your financial circumstances, there are many ways to do that too. Relationships too can be changed, enhanced, is a big etch-a-sketch. Today’s activity will take five minutes from each of the next three pick an area of your life that you want to change most right now and write down on paper how this change will impact your life and the lives of your loved ones in a positive way. And when this is completed take at least one full minute of the five for each hour and imagine seeing, hearing and feeling yourself as if the change has already occurred...remember to breathe and relax as you do this and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cancel, Cancel

William Michael Forbes

All negative thinking creates negative behaving...unless you can let it go or change it. wmf

A Well Known Fact: your body’s chemistry can change in an instant from toxic, to healing and then from healing to all depends on what we eat, dring and think.’s a rare day and I’ve slept in by eight minutes longer than I wanted to...the effects are a change in my morning routine, yet I remain aware of how the thoughts in my mind are responding to my thinking about being a little behind...even the slightest negative thought creates emotions that move my consciousness towards a negative emotional state and this interferes with the building of positive momentum.

All of us have done this...hit the snooze button, watch that little bit if extra T.V., stay on the computer a little longer than we need only to and then find we’ve gotten a little behind in our schedule. Depending on what we do with that little change in our schedule, it can help us move along and hook us back up with our positive vibes, or we can continue in a downwards spiral of expletives and complaints about how the world isn’t working the way we’d like it to....and most of the negativity started out as a little negative thought that we paid little or no attention to and yet when allowed to go on automatically can grow into an insanity that causes us to scratch our heads and go “What the...?”

Today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less is about a simple and easy way I learned how to short circuit negative thinking in its tracks. It was something one of my mentors, Dr. William Curry, whom I called Bill, taught me years ago. He said whenever you get a negative thought coming into your mind...before it gets an emotional response from your subconscious mind just think or say out loud the following words with authority....”CANCEL, CANCEL”...say it as many times as you need to until the negative thought is cancelled, then move your attention to the thought that you would like to see expressed in your life at that time. For me the thought that I was going to be late and miss my morning coffee, was causing irritation and so in my mind I began thinking, cancel, cancel, cancel...then I spoke out aloud saying, I’m perfectly timed, everything is in perfect order, and as I shifted focus traffic began to move faster and smother, and I reached the destination on time. Which brings us to today activity on, How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

Today spend one or two minutes each hour during the next seven hours, and when you catch a negative thought or idea that would be something that you’d rather not experience, take a slow, deep breath and as you exhale think the thought; “Cancel, Cancel” with conviction and authority, then inset a thought or idea that best reflects the result that you would like to get.

For example, you have a thought it won’t work out, think cancel, cancel, with authority and conviction and then choose the thought, this is going to work perfectly and positively. Or you might think so and so is going to give me a hard time, then think, cancel, cancel with authority and conviction and then choose the thought; we are going to work in a way that makes us feel good together. These are examples I thought of now to help out, you can use these and make up a bunch of your own to match the circumstances of where you are at any moment throughout your day and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Releasing assumptions.

William Michael Forbes

The mind has a memory that causes some people to forget who they really are.. wmf

A Well Known Fact: The Ego only sees what it remembers...not what is real. To see what is real one must forget to remember in order to be in the truth of any moment.

My Bluetooth earpiece had gone missing for four days. On the fourth day it had cooled somewhat and the rain was falling and we decided to take the dog out for a walk. Tika and I stood by the front door waiting for NJ to put on her boots...first the left and then suddenly she screamed...

“aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!” and leaped onto my body becoming an instant part of me....”there’s something in my boot....I think it’s a mouse!” We were looking down at the boot on its side both anticipating a furry grey resident scurrying away...nothing emerged. NJ gently uncoiled herself from my body and stood beside me. I moved cautiously towards boot, lifted it up and looked carefully inside and began to laugh as I pulled my missing Bluetooth from within the boot...then NJ and I were laughing hard for a good minute, then began to wonder, how her mind could interpret the sensation of the Bluetooth in her boot as if it were a mouse, which then caused the behaviour of NJ leaping onto my body. First there were the obvious similarities, a mouse is small...sometimes grey, with small legs and paws. My Bluetooth was small, grey and has a long slim arm that fits around my ear.

Other than those similarities...a mouse and my Bluetooth are nothing at all like one is alive one is inanimate, one is furry one is hard plastic, one plugs in the other eats food...NJ’s memory and not what was occurring in the moment was what had caused the misperception that caused her behaviour. Had she had the information of plastic, hard, she would have simply reached into the boot, pulled out my Bluetooth and said...”Here’s your Bluetooth William. Information was missing from the moment and therefore conclusions and actions followed from what was available a the time. The same is true in any moment of our daily lives...if we are operating under limited, inaccurate and incomplete information...then our behaviour will be governed by that information, unless we choose to, which brings us to today blog on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less.

For two minutes out of each of the next seven hours...(more if you like) notice when you or others around you are making decisions, based on either limited or preconceived beliefs ( a tip for identifying when this is occurring is when there seems to be a hint of conflict or something doesn’t feel awkward silence)...especially notice if find yourself behaving negatively or others are behaving negatively towards you...chances are there are preconceived notions going on in the mind(s) of those involved in the current situation. At such points ask yourself the question...what thoughts am I thinking right now, and what can I ask to find out if they are true? Often miscommunication happens not because anyone intends it...but because we are coming from a mindset of preconceived ideas about the situation and people involved. Remember to breath, relax and smile before and after each two minute period and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 2, 2010

To love and be loved.

William Michael Forbes

Every human interaction is based in the fulfillment of needs. wmf

A Well Known Fact: If a need is thwarted...the individual will adapt.

I’m going to make today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less simple and fun. It’s all about loving or being loved, which is a basic human need and is a need when we require it and a behaviour when we give it. Love is in abundant supply once it is engaged consciously by us as what we think, say and do. And so for two minutes out of each of the next seven hours, think, say and do only with a feeling of love behind and within your behaviour...remember to relax yourself before you start, notice how you feel before, during and after each two minute period and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

From I can’t to I can part two.

William Michael Forbes

Can’t is the voice of fear, can is the voice of Your Soul. wmf

A Well Known Fact: I can’t causes measurable constrictions in body functioning...I can creates expansion, flow, increased health and prosperity.

The words “I can” are a powerful set of words when there is a force of action behind them. The action behind the words “I can.” might be the intense physical actions of football players clashing while one team is aiming to score a goal as the other team is defending. The action behind I Can could be the intensity of a single stroke from an artist’s paintbrush, it could be the effort of a breath or the dialling of a telephone...I can always translates into an action of some kind in order for a result to occur...without the actions the life of I can has no heartbeat. To truly give our dreams and aspirations life action is imperative...movement is life...inactivity is decay, at least where living organisms are concerned.

If you have followed the steps in part one of I can’t to I can, you now have a hot list of things that your mind believes that it can’t do, that if you have accepted these beliefs then you haven’t done what you have yearned to do with your life. Today we are going to have you shift your mind towards “I can” by using the I Can’t list. Yesterday you were requested to ask yourself the following question with regards to each “I can’t” you wrote down; “If I didn’t have this belief how would it make my life better?” and you wrote down at least one answer for each I can’t. These answers are your keys to unlocking yourself from your past-mind.

Let’s say that one of my “I cant’s” is: “I can’t find the right publisher” and in response to the question... If I didn’t have this belief how would it make my life better? I wrote; I would know that I just have to keep looking until I find one. The answer actually gave me an action step that I can take now, i.e. keep looking for a publisher. Let’s say another of my “I cant’s” is, “I can’t get along with Mike.” in response to the question... If I didn’t have this belief how would it make my life better? I get the idea that I can try talking with him differently than I have. Another action step for me to take, emerged from my answer to the question.

For Today’s How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, you will need about a two minutes for each of the next seven hours. Start each two minutes off by relaxing your body, by taking a few slow deep breaths and relaxing your mind by imagining hearing only silence. Then look at one of your answer and ask yourself this question; “What action does this answer indicate that I can take right now?” If you get an answer take the action as soon as you can...and notice what you feel before, during and after you take the action. Try and complete one action every hour for the next seven hours and...

Have a great day!


Copyright © 2010 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.