Monday, February 18, 2013

Nutrition and health

In this blog I have historically offered numerous ways and ideas on how to deal with physical, mental and emotional stresses. It has only been recently that I have realized that Neurological and biochemical deficiencies and imbalances also effect physical, mental and emotional behaviour and that these deficiencies can often be related to nutritional intake and the exposure to incompatible environmental substances in the environment around you. It is also true that your brain can be stimulated to produce chemistry and behavior that appears to be missing by consciously and intentionally altering internal and external processes and actions.

In today's installment of How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less, I want you to focus on what you give your body at each meal. For 2 minutes before each meal consider if what you are giving your body is consistent with what it requires to function properly. This will also mean that you are to spend five minutes after eating researching what a body of your type requires on a daily basis in volume and nutritional. After researching what your body may need, experiment by altering your meals for a week and notice and feel if there is any difference.

Take thirty seconds before and after every meal to just be thankful for the food before you eat is energy. Your emotional energy leaves your body in either concentric spheres or as a stream when directed specifically at someone or something...this means your attention effects, by some degree, external and internal matter and how your body will interact with and digest the food.

Put yourself fully into this process and leave a comment about your experience.


Have a GREAT DAY!!

William Michael Forbes
Life Coach - Reiki Master, C.C.W.
Copyright © 2013 by William Michael Forbes, All rights reserved.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Emotion IS your power

Given the choice between pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, anger and peace, empowerment and helplessness, it would seem that there is an obvious choice to be made between them.

However this is not entirely true. It is true that the positives are ultimately the experiences we want to have, yet viewed from a perspective of pure energy....all emotion IS energy. In fact Emotions ARE the energy we use to generate behavior which in turn creates the dynamic interactions between ourselves and all other people and living things.

Your emotions start as a movement of electrons in your brain and flow from the judgements you make based on your perception of the moment. Your perception of the moment may be colored by your past or you may experience the moment as it is. Many people automatically allow the past to impair their experience of the the present and by doing so may create conflicts based on a past present and not on the actuality of the present. Knowing how to change your emotional energy and thought forms can be a big step forward towards living in the present as it is and becoming who you really want to be (and not just continuing on in your life being who you've been taught to think you should be.)

In today's Blog on How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less I'm going to share with you a simple technique for transforming emotional energy and bringing yourself into the now, without having to fight with negative feelings.

When I first learned that my emotions are the energy I have to create my life with and that I could change them at will I was thrilled with the idea that my emotions aren't who I am. Your emotions too are the power you have to transform your life...quickly and easily...positively or negatively.

I found myself in a strange new world those many years ago when I got it, that my emotions were were effects of thoughts in my mind. At that time many of the thoughts in my mind were from other people and media. I began choosing the thoughts I wanted to think...instead of just allowing any thought to flow through my head. And this is the first suggestion for you to try out in your life;

Spend time as often as you can watching the thoughts in your mind in different situations and ask yourself this question. Does this though represent and support who I really want to be and become? If you decide that it isn't a thought that truly represents you, replace it with a thought you think does represent you and notice how the new thought makes you feel.

Now the second part of this requires that you notice any feelings that are uncomfortable. These feelings may come from the thoughts you are changing, they may come from thoughts that people are presenting to doesn't matter where they come from as this part of the activity is to show you how to change your emotional energy by interacting with negative feelings differently than you normally would.

Most of us try to avoid negative fact there is a huge pharmaceutical industry designed to help us not feel negative feelings. Yet your emotions are your energy and to deny them is to deny your power...yet you can't just allow negative feelings to go on all the time in your mind as it is detrimental to your nervous system over an extended period. So to change that from happening whenever you are aware of negative emotions, I want you to choose a label for it;
i.e.  I call this Fear, worry, doubt, anger, rage, sadness, depression.
Now once you've labelled it I want you to say or  think inwardly towards that feeling the following statement in a voice or internal voice that sounds like you really mean it;

Even though you are ___(insert the label you've chosen here)___ and I don't understand you....I'm willing to love and accept you.

Once you've made this statement towards the labeled emotion in a tone of voice or internal tone of voice that sounds like you really mean it...notice how the feeling changes. Notice how your body changes. If the feeling is still intense, repeat the statement a few more times, each time make yourself sound more and more like you mean what you are stating.

Every time you repeat these activities pause and notice how you feel and notice how your emotions change and how the change in emotion alters your body.


Have a GREAT DAY!!

William Michael Forbes
Life Coach - Reiki Master, C.C.W.
Copyright © 2013 by William Michael Forbes, All rights reserved.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Two tools for quick relaxation and deeper sleeps.

You're dealing with children, friends, driving, working, gardening, cooking,watching television or on the computer. Your attention is occupied with a task at hand and until you stop you aren't aware of all the background noise going on in your head. Once you are unoccupied by the demands of the world around you an internal din begins to emerge inside your head, a growing stampede of thoughts, emotions, memories possibilities and concerns. At night especially you may be among the millions of people that suffer from an endless churning of head stuff that steals much needed rest for your body, mind and Soul.

In today's installment of "How to be happy in fifteen minutes or less" I'm going to give you two tools I've used for many years that will enable you to quiet your mind  and body almost anywhere at anytime. The activity only takes about a minute though it can be prolonged to last as long as you need to apply it.  If you can, stop what you are doing for a minute and then notice what starts to take place in your mind. If you cannot stop what you are doing at this time, pick another time when it is safe and practical to do.

To get started stand or sit comfortably where you are, or move to a place where you can feel more comfortable, then close your eyes and observe what you can notice going on in your mind. Now put your attention on your breathing and take three long-slow deep breaths, hold them for a few moments and release your breath and feel your body automatically let go of tension as your body exhales. Each time you exhale you will notice more and more muscles relaxing. Take more breathes if you want the relax your body more fully and completely. you may also realize that your mind has also become a little more rested from the breathing.

After you feel you've done enough breathing turn your awareness to what is still happening in your mind. Are there mostly thoughts? feelings? Pictures? Memories? or imaginings about the future? Whatever they are for you look intently for the spaces between words, pictures and feelings...much the same as you could look for the spaces that you see between these written words...for they exist in your mind to. As you begin to notice the space between thoughts feelings and images, notice how those space feel and allow yourself to feel it. Most of my clients find themselves falling asleep at this stage, some just find that everything becomes quiet and they feel peaceful.

As I mentioned earlier you can extend the time you spend focusing on your breathing as this will naturally deepen the relaxation of your body while also oxygenating the inside of the body. Practice this at every opportunity that you can. You may fins this especially relaxing and healing when you are going to sleep at night.

As a footnote to this activity I want to add that sometimes negative mental and emotional states can be a result of poor nutrition in your body. Make certain that you eat frequently enough to give your body and mind the right amount of fuel to run correctly. If you aren't eating enough and properly, some of the mental, emotional static you may have can be an effect of deficiencies in key minerals vitamins and proteins in your body. As a life coach I was recently made aware of this fact through personal experience and have since made the inclusion of nutrition a key component of the guidance process for my self, my friends, family and clients.  Peace

Have a Great Day!!

William Michael Forbes
Copyright © 2013 by William Michael Forbes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Changing emotional energy.

In keeping with the growing spirit of HOW TO BE HAPPY IN FIFTEEN MINUTES OR LESS, I want you to consider the following;

If you resist, deny or hide from negative emotions you actually give them more power.

Wherever we place our attention the mood, feelings, thoughts and ideas we hold in our mind send a flow of electrons (near invisible energy) in that direction. Whatever is the quality of the mood, feeling, thoughts and ideas, the flow of electrons will carry a positive or negative charge to match the degree and intensity of them. In today's installment of How to be Happy in fifteen minutes or less, I'm going to give you a simple tool for increasing the strength of positive energy attention that will also reduce and transform negative energy into and back towards positive.

Energy is energy. The only difference between one form of emotional energy or another is the degree by which we experience it as positive or negative. Energy cannot be created or destroyed...but is can be changed and is always changing. With your awareness you have the ability to intentionally alter by various degrees, your emotions from one state to another by an act of your imagination and will. No matter how negative or positive you feel at this moment, when you do the following activity with sincere will feel an almost immediate change.

If you are feeling predominately negative prior to doing the following exercise and apply the activity earnestly, you will feel your mind begin to calm and your body increase in relaxation. If you are feeling predominately positive as you do the exercise you will feel an increase in your positivity. At any time, night or day you can use the following tool as you need to. This is very easy to do for some, and a little harder for others, yet if it is practiced it gets very easy and the changes occur faster. On this note, get into a comfortable position in a chair. Although you can do this exercise in any position, sitting allows you to notice physical and emotional change easier as sitting reduces distractions.

From the position you've chosen to be in, make sure your body is as comfortable as possible, then take three slow, deep breaths and feel what your body feels each time you exhale. You will notice your body naturally releases tension when it exhales and as you breath in each time you draw in fresh energy in the form of oxygen, which increases circulation and vitality.

Next turn your attention the the feeling and thoughts in your mind...notice what they about are as if you are watching them on a movie screen. they will likely be about the past and future, they may be positive or negative. No matter what they are, I want you think the following thought Slowly and deliberately three times in a row, towards what you are noticing in you mind. Make your internal voice sound like you really mean these words...make the words sound as sincere as you can and notice what changes in your body and your feelings with each time you say these words;

"I'm willing to love you...even if I do not understand you."

Notice what changes.

"I'm willing to love you...even if I do not understand you."

Notice what else changes.

"I'm willing to love you...even if I do not understand you."

Repeat longer if you like.

Compare how you feel now to before you started.

Why this works for so many people;

Your subconscious mind...that part of your mind where all your thoughts, emotions and memories are stored cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality...(I'll prove this in my next blog.) and just reacts to the tone and intention without question.

With social awareness expanding towards healing mental illness simple tools like this will become common place.

Have an awe-fillied day!!